Christmas Eve

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Erika POV:

I woke up. Liam was hovered over me. "Morning, prettiful." he said and I smiled. Then I remembered what day it was and my smile turned into a frown.

"Don't think about it." Liam said. "The boys and I are taking you out today." Liam said.

I got up, got dressed into a Christmas sweater that's blue and has white snowflakes, a tight black skirt, and tights. I put on my short chestnut-colored Uggs and went into the living room with my Roxy bag hanging from my shoulder. We walked to a cute little restaraunt and ate breakfast. We then went window shopping and entered the shops we wanted to. 

It was getting darker and darker so we decided to stop for dinner. I ordered some spaghetti with tomato sauce, basil, and garlic. We ate and talked, then went back to the hotel.

I showered and hugged the boys goodnight. I could here some mumbling among the boys, and I fell asleep.

Niall POV:

Liam and Erika were getting really close lately, it was suspicious. But we knew Erika liked this Brendan kid, so I calmed down a bit.

Erika went to bed and we discussed what each of us got for her.

Harry got her a laptop, she was dying for one so she could skype.

Zayn got her slippers, new earphones, a phone case she said she wanted, and a magazine she was featured in.

I got her a VIP pass to Nando's, a card that says 'Official One Direction Member', and a silver necklace with a small diamond on it because she said that she didn't like bulky things on her neck.

Louis got her some clothes and stuff she wanted.

Liam said that his gift he had to get early in the morning, because it was really special. I wonder what it is.

We spent a little time wrapping the gifts and talked about what she got for us.

"I never saw her leave this suite without us. I wonder if she forgot?" Harry said.

Tomorrow morning was going to be interesting.

author's note...

so do you guys think erika should go out with one of the boys? Comment if you think she should and which boy she should go out with! idk if i want to do that cuz there's brendan, but a twist in the story is always good! please keep reading xoxo-Eri

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