Erika POV:
The three of us went into my room and sat down in the comfy chairs. I spun around in mine and we started to talk.
"So tell me about this Brendan kid who broke your heart." Perrie said and I laughed. "I really liked him, he's attractive, and smart, and, um, well I thought he was nice." I said and picked Latte up and put her in my lap. The girls nodded and Eleanor asked me, "So what's up with you and Liam and Latte?"
I smiled. "Well, on Christmas, each of us got eachother gifts. Liam got me this puppy that I said I always wanted. She's our special Christmas memory." I kissed Latte on the head.
"So are you and Liam a thing? I mean, when you two were dancing today, you two looked like you were in love with eachother. I mean, you should have seen Liam's face." Perrie said and I blushed.
"Well, Niall seems to have a thing for her too." Eleanor said and I blushed even more. "And what about Harry?" Perrie said and I screamed into a pillow, hiding my red face.
The two girls laughed and I lifted my head. "You're so cute." Eleanor said and then got serious.
"Well? What are you going to do?" Perrie asked me and I shook my head. "I don't know. I'm so confused. Everything is being rushed into me at the same time and I'm so confused and stressed out." I said and looked at the girls.
"What would you do?" I asked and the girls thought.
"Well, you told me that Niall actually offered you food. That's amazing. But Liam bought you a puppy. But Niall saved your life. But Liam has been there and protected you." Perrie said.
"And Harry is clearly flirting with you. He pulled you onto the dancefloor tonight. But then, Niall was pulling you closer to him. And Liam didn't mind everyone watching you two dance." Eleanor said and I thought about it. "I really don't know what to do. I mean, if I started going out with one of them, imagine what people would think of me. And the things people would say." I said and the girls nodded.
"I love them all, but I think maybe I should think about my dancing career first. I want to form a group." I said and opened my laptop. I looked up dance soloists that are my age and I found two girls that caught my eye.
A girl named Sim, 14 and a girl named Beatrice (nickname, Beazy) who was also 14.
I called my manager and I was able to get their emails. I also found out that they wanted to work with other dancers. I called Sim up first, it was only 9:30 at night.
"Hello?" a voice said and I got nervous. "Um, is this Sim Bruno?" I asked and the girl said yes.
"Hi, I'm Erika Burke. I was wondering if we could meet sometime soon because I want to form a dancing group. I'm also going to call up Beazy Smith and ask her if she wants to also meet up too." i said and Sim shrieked.
"Erika Burke?! The one working with One Direction?! Hell yes I want to be in a dancing group with you! I saw your video, it was amazing!" Sim said and I took the phone away from my ear. The girls looked at me and laughed. I told Sim that I would meet her in Germany in a week and hung up. I told her I would contact her on twitter and called up Beazy.
"Hello? Is this Beazy Smith? I'm Erika Burke and I was wondering if you would like to meet me and Sim Bruno to talk about forming a dance group." I said and Beazy freaked out.
"Sim and Erika?! YESSSSS!!!! Where should we meet?" she asked me and I gave her all the details. I hung up and laughed.
"People these days. But let me tell you, Sim and Beazy are really good!!!!" I said to the girls and we got ready for bed.

My 1D Brothers
FanfictionThis story is a light, silly, fun-filled story that doesn't really change your image of One Direction. It's my first fanfic so please no hate! It's really not that dirty, but the word sex and stuff comes up, make sure you can handle teenager things...