Amusement Park Date

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Erika POV:

Today is Friday, the day Niall was taking me to the amusement park for our "date". I got dressed into a polka-dot shirt, jeans, Uggs, and a scarf. Before I went on the date, I needed to talk to my manager and Niall had to do some stuff with the boys. I put light makeup on and met my manager and talked to him about my dancing.

"I think it'd be great if you got in a group. I'll definitely talk to the other girls' managers." my manager said and I walked out and to the spot where Niall and I said we would meet. It started raining, but we were still going, it would be more fun that way.

We were going to be meeting by Starbucks.

I walked to Starbucks, and saw Niall standing there, waiting. I smiled and walked closer, but he stopped a girl and started talking to her. I looked at my phone. I was on time. And that was Niall. I hid by the Starbucks and I heard their conversation.

"Becky?" Niall asked and the girl looked at him and smiled. "Nialler!" she said and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" she asked and Niall said, "Uh nothing. Just hanging out." What? Just hanging out? Was he embarassed to say that he was waiting for me?

"Oh. Well, it's been a while." Becky said and Niall smiled. "Yea. You look better than ever." he said and got closer to her. It started raining harder. "Don't you have a girlfriend Niall?" Becky asked and Niall shook his head no.

Niall leaned in to Becky while saying, "I never forgot about you." and kissed her. My hood fell off and the rain started soaking my head. I was broken. I just stood there, watching the two kiss. It wasn't Becky's fault. It was Niall's fault.

I turned around and ran. I cried, running in the rain. I bumped into something hard when I was running and I looked up. Liam.

"Hey little Princess." he said smiling, but it faded away when he saw I was crying. I was soaking wet and Liam led me into the closest coffee shop. 

"Niall....said he liked me....and asked me to an amusement park with him today.....and I went to the meeting spot.....and he saw this girl, Becky....and he said he was just hanging out.....and then said he never...forgot...about her.......and then leaned in and kissed.....her......HE kissed HER....not HER kissing.....HIM....." I said, crying.

Liam pulled me into a hug and I cried into him. He led me out of the coffee shop and my phone buzzed. It was a call from Niall. I tapped ignore and put my phone away. I was so angry with him. He could always find a way to make me angry.

I stopped crying by the time we got back to the hotel, and Louis and Zayn had left a note saying they were out with their girlfriends.

Liam told me to get dressed into dry clothes and he sat on the couch. I walked into my room and Harry was there. He saw me soaking wet and said, "Oh my god, Princess, what happened? I thought you had a date with Niall."

I grabbed some clean clothes and told Harry that I was going to get changed first. I went to the bathroom and changed into sweats, a tanktop, Liam's hoodie, and put my slippers on.

I walked out of the bathroom and Harry was sitting in the comfy chair. He patted his lap and I sat down on it, and curled into a ball.

"Niall and I were supposed to meet at Starbucks. I get there and he was waiting for me. But as I was about to walk over to him, he stopped a girl walking by who he knew and they were talking. I was fine with that, but he said that he wasn't doing anything and that he was just hanging out when the girl, Becky, asked him what he was doing." I took a breath and Harry looked a little angry.

"Then, he leaned into her while saying, 'I never forgot about you.' and kissed her." I started sobbing.

"He said he liked me Harry! He said that he LIKED me! Why wouldn't he say that he was waiting for me if he actually liked me?" I said. "I'm just a doll to him, that was stupid enough to let him play with me." I cried into Harry chest and Harry held me tight.

"I'll talk to him later." Harry said.

It was late and Louis and Zayn were still out. Harry, Liam and I ate and we didn't talk much. I hardly touched my food, and Harry fed me. "Harry, stop I'm not a baby." I said, letting a small laugh come out of my mouth. I ate some food and went back to the room.

"Hey Liam? Harry?" I asked and they came to my room. "Can we go dancing?" I asked them and they nodded. I put on a simple dress and flats, and didn't even bother to grab my phone. (picture of dress should be on the right)

We walked out and went to a small place with a dancefloor and a DJ.

The three of us danced and were pretty tired.

I danced one slow song with Harry, his hands on my waists and he held me, comfortingly and said, "I'm sorry about Niall." and I shrugged. "I can't do anything about it." the song ended and this time, Liam grabbed me and danced with me.

I looked him in the eyes and he looked back at me. Harry was dancing with another girl. I smiled at him and then looked back at Liam.

Then, there was fake snow, falling from above us. I laughed and Liam leaned in close to me. There was a quarter of an inch of air between our lips and I closed it. My first kiss. With an international star, Liam Payne. Liam. Payne. I smiled at him and broke away. We got Harry and we walked out.

I held hands with Liam and as we were going back to the hotel, the magazine for this month was already out. I bought it and started flipping through it, and saw a picture of me and Louis shopping, me on Harry's back, me and Zayn looking in mirrors at a store, me and Niall laughing over something probaby ridiculous, and me hugging Liam.

The next page shocked me. I stopped walking. It was a picture of Niall kissing Becky, and the caption mentioned me in the back, with a hurt look on my face. It also said how me and Niall were supposed to go to the amusement park together.

But it was the picture below that shocked me even more. Liam and Harry were looking over my shoulders now and they gasped when they saw the picture. A picture of Niall and Becky, holding hands, walking through the amusement park.

author's note...

AHHHHHH such a fun chapter to write :) hope you guys liked it. xoxo-Eri oh and in order to look at the dress, right click, click on 'open in new window', and that's the dress

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