Chapter 3

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(A/N) hay, sorry i haven't written in a while, a lot has been going on, but I'm writing now :)

**oh and check out my friends IrishGirl32 and haiweybear and ninerss98 :) ** they're pretty hot if I do say so myself....


*Lily's POV*

After about 20 minutes of driving, a building with familiar big blue letters came into view, indicating that we'd arrived at our destination.

"WHOOO!!!" Marcie yelled. "Walmart!"

"Marcie, chill. People are going to think we're the biggest hicks in town if you keep yelling like that." I laughed.

She started waving her arm around in a circle above her head and screaming "yee haw" as if she were riding a horse, but for all i know she could have just been trying to dance again...

We got out of the car and walked through the brisk mid-morning air to the front entrance. When we got through the automatic doors, an old woman with the slightest of upper lip mustaches greeted us, "Welcome to Walmart! Enjoy your visit!"

"What was this, an overnight hotel?" I thought to myself. I giggled at the thought of sleeping in Walmart overnight. Marcie and I have got to try that sometime.

As Marcie and I were making our way through the food isles, we started chatting about school.

"So what made your day so awful?" I asked.

"Well you know, just the usual awfulness that comes with every aspect of learning that school has to offer. What made your day so fabulous?" Marcie responded while sipping on a bottle of vitamin water that we bought from some vending machine in another isle.

"Crissy, Lexy, and Sammy.... And of course my separation from you." I said jokingly with a beam, exposing my teeth in a very cheesy smile.

"Oh, that was very smooth." Marcie smiled with an eyebrow wiggle. "What'd the bitches do today?"

"The same as every day. Complain about the work, gossip, and start problems.... I wonder if they realize how much people hate them. They think everyone likes them, but in reality, no one does. Guys only like them because they're pretty and easy."

"I feel ya dog." Marcie said jokingly, even though she knew I was right.

"And hey, who are One Direction? Crissy was saying that they were in our town, and apparently they're a big deal."

"I'm not sure. Some kids in my classes were saying the same thing. I guess we're just too cool to know about the outside world..."

"Yeah, mhm, too cool. That's a good way to put it." I retorted sarcastically. Marcie giggled.

As if on cue, we walked towards a gleaming box of posters. One Direction posters to be exact.

"Oh hey! We were just talking about you!" I said to the box of posters as if they were real people.

"Well they're pretty attractive young men I suppose." Marcie commented.

"Yup." Was all I said. We honestly didn't really take the time to look at the posters at all, so we barely even saw the boys on it. We just got the gist that they were five boys with nice smiles. They were probably stuck up famous people that would never acknowledge us anyway.

For the next hour and a half, Marcie and I frolicked through the store. We looked at the DVDs and CDs, sat on some beanbag chairs, turned all the boxes of cereal backwards, and put some shirts inside out. Hey, the workers have to do something, right? They can't just get paid to sit around all day!

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