Chapter 4

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and OMIGOD. over 600 reads?!?! That's amazing!! Thank you all soo muchh :D

Oh btw, go check out marshmallow578 cuz shes awesome ;)

Also do you guys even read the authors notes? Comment if you do or do not.... But obvi if you don't you won't see this lol ....


*Marcie's POV*

"Oh. My. God." I said, my spoon still flopping out of my mouth. Did Lily just say what I think she said? We just met who? It can't be true... They're practically as famous as the Queen of England herself, how could we have met them...

"Hello?! Are you listening?! Stop staring like an idiot! Confirm my assumptions; we just met two fifths of One Direction, correct?" Lily squealed.

I nodded my head dumbly... We did. We met two guys from One Direction. In a Walmart in New Jersey. And we didn't even get autographs, pictures, phone numbers, anything... Why are we so stupid?! I screamed at myself in my head.

"Oh my Lord, no one is ever going to believe this..." Lily said to herself.

"I can't even believe this..." I said in reply.


*Lily's POV*

Wow. Just wow. We met two super famous boys from a super famous boy band and we didn't even know who they were. And I fell flat on my ass in front of them. Real smooth.

But then again, we never really knew them in the first place so why does it matter? It shouldn't, and so it won't. We'll all forget about it soon enough, considering the fact that they won't think anything of us. They meet fans everyday, so what would make us so special? We should just pretend it never even happened.

...But it did happen...

"Ughh! I can't believe we didn't know it was them! We don't have autographs or anything now! That was our only chance!" Marcie whined.

"Hey come on, let's get out of here." I told Marcie abruptly. "We can just go to your house and forget about it. There's no point in wishing we did something different. It's in the past and we can't change it. At least you got to flirt with them for a little while!" I said encouragingly.

"Yeah I guess so." Marcie replied half heartedly.

And with that we left Panera Bread, bowls still on the table, and started walking to my car yet again. The rain outside was still falling down hard, and at this temperature the water on the ground was bound to freeze overnight. Great, that means there's going to be black ice on the roads, and a higher risk of getting into an accident. Again. Oh no, no more accidents please...



"Mom, pull the car over right now!" I screamed at my mother through fast falling, nonstop tears. I knew something bad was going to happen, I could just feel it.

"You do not tell me what to do." My mother attempted to respond. Her words were so incomprehensible though that I could barely understand what she was saying. I could care less about what she had to say though; I cared about what she was doing. She was beyond drunk. She was absolutely shit faced. She was incoherent and oblivious to her surroundings and needed to pull the car over this instant.

"Lily, I'm scared." My little brother Jake whispered, barely audible, from where he was sitting in the back seat.

"I know, me too. It'll be fine, I promise." I replied.

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