The Plan

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Jason's POV
I am just walking in the corridor of my castle and am busy thinking about Piper and the things that just happened. I can't get the thought of something worrying Piper out of my mind. There is something she is hiding from me that has forced her to stay here in the territory of the person she loathes the most, but what? Also, I have to find out who wrote her name on the list if she didn't volunteer to participate in the selection. Maybe I will find something in the files of the selected girls that were kept in my room. I made my way towards my room.

As I was busy in my thoughts, I caught a glimpse of a little girl. When she saw me, her two-year-old legs came running towards me. I took her into arms.

"Hey, Jase!" She high-fived me with her tiny hand. "Hey, little one! You came here to attend my section, right?"I asked. She nodded.

Her blond hair was pulled back in a small ponytail and her sea-green eyes were brimming with mischief.

"Let's go to my room," I said. "No, I don't want to go there. " For two years old, she was pretty sharp, like her mother. "And can I ask why, little one? " I asked mockingly. "Do you think I will tell you? No problem if you insist. " She snorted and struck a tongue at me. I tickled her making her giggle, showing four tiny teeth.

I opened the door of my room. My room was not the most beautiful one. I had a shelf near the left corner, a mirror to look at my reflection, which I rarely did, a desk on which important files and folders were kept, a couch, and a bed in the center. The walls of my room were of sky blue color.

But today, I found someone sitting on the couch and I realized the reason why Zoe didn't want to come to my room. When she noticed me, she approached me.

"Hello, Prince Jason Grace of Illea.I hope Zoe didn't trouble you. " She said grinning.

"Absolutely not, Queen Annabeth Chase Jackson of Greece. " I said smiling.


Zoe went back to her for doing her drawings with a maid.

"My wedding would be around in early-July and today is 1st June, so why are you here so early? It's not like that I didn't like the fact of you being here but still is there any specific reason? " I asked. It has been two long years since I last saw her when Zoe was born. Zoe used to visit me but not her parents.

"How could I ignore the fact that my brother cum brother in law is in love and yet is not able to marry the girl of his choice due to some issues." She answered.

I was flabbergasted. She also knew about this. Which means...

"So, you are the one who wrote Piper's name in the list? How did you get to know about that? " I said.

"I got the information from Will Solace. I sent a letter to Leo. He told me about your story and I made a plan which was executed by Leo, himself. I arrived here today morning while you were attending the ceremony. And now, I am going to help you-"

"But Annabeth, this is not fair. She hates me, why will she marry me? She will never-"

"Relax, Jason! I know. Nothing is fair in love and war. You know that. I will be there for you. Don't worry. "

After some time, I asked, "How is Percy? Is he going to come?"

Her face tensed. "He is alright. He said he would be coming soon. But I don't know exactly when. Anyways we have matters to worry about-"

She interrupted by Leo, who burst from the door. "Did I miss something?"

"No, not really. I told him about our plan. " Annabeth said.

"See, Jason I am really sorry about it. I couldn't stand the look on both of your faces. You don't know how she feels when you are not with her. I saw her, heartbroken when I told her that you won't come to meet her. She needs you and you need her. I did all of this so that you two could be together. But if you think I am wrong then-"Before he could say anything, I stood up and gave him a hug. I was on the verge of tears. My friends are doing so much for me and I am just protesting against it.

I pulled away and looked at them. "Thank you so much, guys. I can't express my gratitude. Thank you! "

"We are not going to take that 'thank you until we see you with her on the wedding day. "Annabeth said.

I could feel color coming to my cheeks. Then I remembered something.

" Leo, I wanted to ask how did your guards convince her to come to the palace? As much as I know her, she will surely not like to come here." I asked.

"The guards lied to her that if she won't come with them, they will imprison her father. You told me about her father, right, that he was really ill and she is sensitive when it comes-"

"Leo! What was that? You don't know you could have given her a heart attack. Her dad, how could I forget him! We have to inform him about the selection and that his daughter is there in it. Leo, forget that I ever thanked you. "

"Sorry, Jase! I think I should go to inform him then. "

"No, I think Jason you should go. Provided that he is her father, you should make a good impression. And he is sick, you can offer some medical support to him. " Annabeth said.

"Ok, so I should get ready for it. Well, Leo, you can come if you want. " I said, rolling my eyes. Leo jumped on me, giving me a bear hug, almost crushing my bones.

"Alright. Alright. Get ready. We would meet in an hour. Okay? "Jason said.

" Meanwhile, I will think of the plan. " Annabeth said.

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