Chapter 2

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Credit for playing the characters: Johnathan,Dieo,Mae and Gregg: Raymond.

Back at the ship heading for Alderaan James looks out into space enjoying the peace and quiet.

On the ship two Jedi brothers named Johnathan and Dieo bump into Anakin while they were having an argument while two others called Gregg and Mae stood more towards the back of the ship.

"So what's the argument?" Anakin asked Johnathan, hearing it.

"Very sorry,me and my brother were just bickering about our chances of being selected as Padawans." Johnathan explained.

Dieo scoffs, "As if you would be chosen,I have much more potential!" He said, rather conceitedly.

"Younglings? But why are you on this mission?" Anakin asked suspiciously.

"It's clear this mission is a test for them to see who would become a Padawan." Kenobi said to Anakin, "So just select one over the other, talk about anarchy." Anakin said slightly angered.

"Anakin, not everyone can get what they want, no matter how much you try to control it." Obi wan tries to console but Anakin just walks off.

"Well that proves it brother,I think Master Skywalker would fit me!" Dieo said cockily.

"Alright then Dieo, I personally don't mind who trains me,I personally agree with Master Kenobi." Johnathan said stating his opinion to Dieo, he had confidence and patience.

"Anakin is not a master or a knight yet, he's still my apprentice, and he's rather arrogant and difficult to train." Obi wan admitted.

James then came over hearing the conversation, "Anakin's changed hasn't he? He was never this arrogant or moody before." He said to Obi wan showing his concern.

"Well at least he would understand my ways!" Dieo snapped at Obi Wan.

"Calm yourself brother!,sorry he gets a bit arrogant as well..." Johnathan apologised.

"That I see, and I can understand, as I was also arrogant and impatient in my youth before Yoda knocked sense into me, and I almost never became a padawan, it was only by chance Qui Gon took me in, I even left the jedi order for a time before returning." Obi wan said recounting his experience with the Jedi service corps in the Agri crops where Jinn was on a mission.

"But the problem is, you're too afraid to speak to Anakin out of fear of saying the wrong thing." James said catching on.

"I-I know....but I also wasn't ready to train him..." Obi wan stuttered, "Well you need to be. For my brother's sake, you're the closest thing he has to a brother or father afterall." James said, trying to give Obi wan some confidence.

"How interesting." Johnathan said.

"But the same thing can be said about me.....I need to build up confidence to have friends." James said then shyly  trying to talk to Johnathan and Dieo.

"Why hello there." Johnathan said, happy to see him.

"Y-yeah....hello...." James said looking to the side quickly like a squirrel.

Zoe looked over to see James interacting, "Well that's a start." She said to herself.

Dieo haughtily says,"What is it?, don't you see I'm more important!"

Star Wars AU Episode I The Start of the Skywalker legacyWhere stories live. Discover now