Chapter 8

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Credit for playing the characters: Johnathan,Dieo,Mae and Gregg: Raymond.

Back in the hall the driods were overwhelming the guards leading to Padme being cornered "You're finished Princess." Savage said raising his saber for a kill only for Anakin to jump in and with his current anger over his mother's death, he held against Savage.

However in Anakin's red haze he failed to see that Savage was toying with him, and he slashes Anakin's blue saber so fast Anakin couldn't see so he was left with Qui Gon's blade.

"Your anger makes you powerful boy, but you have yet to fully embrace it, as I've aided my fallen brother in killing your original master and now your mother and your brother will be next after you." Savage taunts only fuelling Anakin's rage in the haze.

"I'm more powerful than Obi Wan or James! Obi Wan might have held me back but not here! I can kill you like he did to your brother with this blade!!" Anakin yelled arrogantly in fury swinging Qui Gon's green emerald blade, being highly acrobatic, but it wouldn't last.

"Foolish chosen one, you haven't trained, you falsely believe that as the chosen one you can do anything, but this is reality boy!" Savage hissed punctuating that sentence by a fast slash to Anakin's right arm, "AAAAAAARGH!!!!!" Anakin screamed in pain.

"ANAKIN!" Padme cried seeing him fall, she then fires blaster shots at Savage protecting Anakin as he did her, but Savage easily knocked her aside.

Being the closest at that moment Ahsoka stood to Anakin and Padme's defence, "Now you face me!", but Savage is quick to hold off Ahsoka, "You have blinding recklessness, you'd never make a Padawan!" Savage taunted kicking Ahsoka off, before James stepped in, "But she could make it as mine!" James said hissing from a saber stab to the shoulder.

"Now this is getting interesting!" Savage said as James force pulled Qui Gon's blade to his hand and  both padawans fight him together, Savage was powerful, but James formed out a plan, whispering to Ahsoka, James distracted Savage in a saber lock.

"Are you willing to die in suicide like how your mother protected you?" Savage attempts to mock as the three blades were bound against each other, neither moving an inch.

James saw the right opportunity, glancing up at Ahsoka above, "Now!" He called to Ahsoka through the force, and with Ataru style speed, she jumped down and slashed  Savage's arms off before he could even react!

"NRRRH!!!!" Savage hissed, completely taken off guard, "H-how--!?" He said, "It's called using your brain brute, I knew you would charge at one of us, but you aim so much on physical strength, you fail to observe your surroundings." James said pointing to the ceiling to show a lamp with a platform high above.

"By keeping you in one place in the exact spot and given that I'm more agile than James, I was able to jump from that height and make a precision strike, it's called teamwork, and trust which sith lack due to betrayal, which is exactly what your mind did." Ahsoka added rubbing salt in the wound.

"That's for mother,Qui Gon and my brother's arm, and for the other Jedi you slaughtered." James said holding the sabers to Savage's neck, as Anakin was utterly astonished by James' outside of the box thinking.

Obi wan arrives and he's pissed at Savage but surprised that his arms were sliced off, "How did this...." he said, "Ahsoka and I bested him by working as a team, but I'm afraid Anakin's arm is gone.... along with mum....." James said showing regret, "Take care of Anakin." Obi Wan said then dealing with Savage.

Star Wars AU Episode I The Start of the Skywalker legacyWhere stories live. Discover now