Chapter 12

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Credit for playing the characters: Johnathan,Dieo,Mae and Gregg: Raymond.

"This place is huge!" Gregg called out, flapped his arms in excitement, seeing the inside of the castle, though it was rather dark and quite.....unnerving.

"Dooku! Where are you?" James called, "It's not like he could spontaneously appear." Ahsoka said, finding James calling out to be amusing, "Like an ghost perhaps? " Zoe chuckled, "N-Nice try master  Zoe! You can't scare me!" Ahsoka stuttered.

Suddenly a figure appeared from the shadows, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!" Ahsoka and James shrieked, "Stop the screaming, there is no cause for alarm." Said the voice calm with an little irritation being Dooku.

"It's the bad dude!" Gregg cried, fumbling to get his weapon, "Wonder how he likes some fire!" Mae said equally ready.

"No, he's not the bad guy, Dooku, I'm Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui Gon's apprentice." Obi Wan said standing both Mae and Gregg down.

"Oh...., SORRY!" Gregg gasped, putting his weapons down, but Mae wasn't convinced, "Guy gives me the creeps, something just ain't right." She said, casting an suspicious glance at Dooku.

"Obi Wan, I'm glad you're all friends, and yes I did train Qui Gon, and he spoke very highly of you, but I have important information to tell you, but no else but the Jedi council must know!" Dooku said, desperately wanting to vent it out.

"I suppose we apprentices should leave you to talk?" Johnathan asked Dooku reffering to James,Ahsoka and Gregg and Mae.

Dooku then took a breath and spoke, "No you all need to hear this." He began, "I left the Jedi order because I felt myself being taken by the lure of dark side, so I came here to take hermitage in the outer rim on this planet, just when I felt like the old Jedi I was, a hologram call came by a hooded man, he calls himself....Sidious." he said showing fear.

"He told me that he was a Sith lord hiding in the Republic influencing the invasion of Alderaan and plans to start the very war that's about to occur at this moment, he tried to make me join as his apprentice, along with Eclipse.... but I refused his offer, but it seems fate had other ideas, he manipulated the one you call Dieo, and orchestrated this attack in an attempt to silence me." Dooku said darkly.

"Holy Eclipse wasn't just saying things......" Zoe exclaimed, "We really do have a Sith in admist of the Republic......." she said, but at the same time she wasn't certain whether to trust Dooku or not.

"Indeed, that was why I couldn't tell you all in public with the senators, I have no idea how deep this goes......" Dooku said showing more fear at the thought.

"Anybody could be a sith,even those sleezbag senators..." Mae says scarstically.

"But still right under our noses!?" Ahsoka said shocked, "I think I understand how....this sith lord is able to mask his presence but it must be stronger than any sith before, we have been sensing a growing darkness on Corsuant for sometime......" Obi Wan said.

"That is quite the estimate, care to give a name?" Mae said with heavy sarcasm, before she was silenced by Zoe.

Dooku then turned to James, "You're the brother of the chosen one aren't you? I could sense a familiar presence from you both, I saw you both on Tatootine in hiding......but if I had only came with you......Qui Gon might have surived....." Dooku said with deep regret.

"I don't hold anything against you, as Zoe said.....fate is something beyond our control, so even if you were there it may or may not have changed what happened." James said, taking it with stride.

"And I also knew your father, Alvin Buchanan who was Qui Gon's apprentice long before Kenobi, who in turn your father trained Zoe, he was investigating Sidious....but unfortunately an Jedi Master betrayed him and he was killed for it.....he saw no choice but to leave you and your brother to protect you both.....from Sidious." Dooku said to James.

Ahsoka and Obi Wan were stunned with everyone else present,"You''re Alvin's son!?" Ahsoka gasped, but James didn't act shocked almost like he already knew.

"I already know mother who was killed by Savage and Zoe told me, but I haven't told Anakin yet, I don't think he's ready for the burden......" James said his head low at the thought.

"Good lord......for all these had no idea...." Obi Wan said very sympathetic to him, "Obi Wan.....can I trust you to keep this hidden from Anakin until Zoe and I are ready to tell him?" James said putting a hand to Obi Wan, "I will." He said.

Meanwhile, Padme was tending to Anakin, "That help Ani?" She asked, "Y-yeah.....thank you." Anakin said rather awkwardly, however any chance he would have for a romace is interrupted by Palpatine.

"Well my boy, my spy for the Republic Django Fett has located Dooku on Tatootine, so I'm sending the republic armanda to deal with him." Palpatine said then leaving.

"Spies......kch.......that's an bounty hunter, the worst kind of person to trust." Padme growled, showing hints of resentment, "Hang on......Tatootine......OBI WAN,JAMES AND THE REST ARE THERE!!!" Anakin exclaimed shooting up from the bed.

"Well come on then! We have to get to Tatootine before the Republic bombs Dooku's place and they're caught in the crossfire!" Padme said dragging Anakin by the left arm.

"We'll use that spice freighter! It will be less suspicious, and I could pose as a navigator on that ship!" Anakin said as he pliots it to Tatootine through lightspeed, it was an race against time to save the Jedi.....


Another chapter done, this whole story will be finished soon guys, almost there now, how are you finding this so far? And yes Alvin will play an big part in the story especially episode 3.

Anyways shout out to Raymond like always.

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