Chapter 8

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Jongin's POV
"So did you tell him?"

"I did, he sounded really happy"

"That's good then"

Currently I was on a call with Jimin's Dad. I figured that the only thing that was stopping Jimin from going outside was his parents. That's why I made a deal with them.

"Do you think this will bring back the old Jimin? The bubbly, smiley and loud Jimin?" he asked.
"I'm sure you noticed that Jimin became quiet and reserved throughout the years since Taehyung left him. I am confident that if we bring them back together everything will turn back to how it was 8 years ago" I answered

"I thought that he would forget him as time passed by, but he's still holding onto it. Me and my wife also got busier day by day so we weren't able to be there when he needed us the most. Or atleast we tried" he sighed "But how are you planning to do this? I mean like making them meet? You said that we gotta make it less obvious the fact that we're involved in any of this 'Bring back lovers that got separated for 8 years' plan"

"I was waiting for you to ask! So I have a friend, that friend happens to be Taehyung's childhood friend and soon they're gonna be related to me as well-"

"Related to you?" Mr.Park was confused.
"Yeah but let's leave that to the side and focus on Jimin. This friend is gonna ask Taehyung to visit the Dog Cafe that me and Jimin are planning to go to and when Taehyung arrives, they're gonna call me and I'll bring Jimin. Then I leave him alone and make them meet and then BOOM! All that romance shit and ecc... " I said with a confident tone so that Mr.Park would believe that the plan is going to work, not that it isn't, I hope so.

"Alright then, I hope this plan ends up successful as soon as possible " he said in a professional voice.
"Of course it will, trust me" and with that we hung up.

My Dad told me that from now on I'm allowed to go around by myself
I'm so happy!!!!
You must be busy
Text me when you're free so we can decide together when to meet up

Jongin Hyung💘
That's amazing Jimin!
Then I'll let you know after my Manager checks my schedule.
I'm really excited for this
Make sure to wear your necklace
The one that brings you good luck.
Maybe we'll win some sort of price with it!

You mean the one that Taehyung bought me?
Yeah sure definetily!
I don't go anywhere without it anyway.

Jongin Hyung💘
Hahah you're so whipped
Alright then see ya'

Maybe I am.
Alright then let me know!
I can't wait

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