Chapter 10

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Jimin's POV
"Noona! Does it look good?" I asked my Maid who was cleaning my bedroom, "It looks amazing Jimin-ssi" she said and smiled.

"Are you sure? Do you think that I should have coloured it red instead of pink?" I asked still not convinced.
"Jimin-ssi, trust me, every colour looks good on you so it doesn't really matter. You hair is looking fabulous" she said as she entered the bathroom to find me struggling to brush my hair.

"I guess...should I leave my hair curly or should I straighten it?" I asked as she got closer and helped me brush it, "I think you should straighten it since usually you leave it curly. I'll help you don't worry" she said and got the straightener.

"Thank you Noona. Jongin Hyung will be here in an hour and since it's my first time in a while going outside without any bodyguards, I wanted to look different" I looked at the mirror and saw her smiling. I smiled as well.

Taehyung's POV
"Mom! What should I wear?!" I yelled from the bathroom.
"Just wear whatever you want. Why are you struggling so much, you usually don't care about what you wear!" yelled Mom as he entered my bedroom and sat on the bed.

"I don't know! I just feel like I should dress nicely today, I don't even know where I'm going with Jiwoo Noona. She said it's a place with a lot of good reviews so what if it's some sort of fancy restaurant?!" I said as I exited the bathroom and opened my closet.

"You're right" said Mom then got up and searched through the closet.
While he was searching I went and did my hair. I decided that instead of curling it, I should straighten it today, I must admit I look extremely handsome.

"Stop smiling at the mirror and try these on" interrupted Mom, I got up and went to the bathroom to wear them.
After a while I got out.

"It looks good" said Mom while turning me around and checking if it matches.
"Right...where's the necklace?" I asked shocked that it isn't on my neck anymore.

"What?" Mom raised an eyebrow.
"Mom, the necklace! Shit!" I panicked and entered the bathroom to see if it fell in the bath tub or the sink. Mom stopped me from digging through my dirty clothes.

"What?" I asked in a hurried voice.
"You're so dumb, child" he said then went to my drawer and opened a box. It's in there. I went over to him and gently took it "How did it get there??" I asked while bringing it close to my chest and wearing it, "You left it here last time when you went to have a haircut" he told.

"Wait, so I wasn't wearing it for 2 days now!?", "Glad you noticed Honey" and with that he left.

I laughed at myself for being so forgetful
"Thanks Mom!" I yelled
"No problem!"
I went to the mirror and fixed my hair, it kind of got messy from the panicked state I was in a few minutes ago.

Jongin's POV
"I don't care" I answered my brother.
"But don't you think they would be mad?"

"Yoongi, this is your life, if your company doesn't allow you to date anyone then fuck it. You can always find another one. The only proper artist that helps your company make money is you so if they lose you it would be a big loss. You date whoever you want. " I said while getting ready to pick up Jimin.

"I'm just... I don't know, what if while I hang out with Jungkook, a paparazzi comes out of nowhere and takes pictures? It wouldn't only effect me but also Jungkook" he said while staring at his phone, I sighed, I can't believe he's going through all these thoughts even before asking him out.

Yoongi and Jungkook have been talking for a while now. Even though they don't see each other that much because of Yoongi's busy schedule, they still chat non-stop. It's so obvious that they like each other. But yet here he is, going through stages he shouldn't go through.
I took a seat on the sofa facing him.

"Do you think Jungkook likes you not only as a popular artist but an actual person?"
Yoongi nodded.
"Do you think if you guys started dating, it could go well?"
Yoongi hesitated at first but then nodded.
"Yoongi, fuck it. C'mon ask him out!" I said as I got up to grab my key cars and left.

Jiwoo's POV
"C'mon, let's go, Taehyung!" I yelled from my car.
Taehyung exited the shop after saying goodbye to his parents, he entered the car and looked at me "So where are we going?" he asked as he got his phone out, "You'll see" I said and started driving.

"We're here" I told Taehyung who was focused on playing games on his phone, he lifted his head and looked around.
"Isn't this my old neighborhood?" he asked looking at me

"Yeah, I heard they opened a Dog Cafe where your shop used to be" I said as I took off my seat belt and got out of the car. Taehyung followed as well.

"So, we came here to play with dogs?" he asked looking done.

"Yeah, why? You don't like dogs?" I asked
"Of course I like them, but if you had told me, I would have dressed up in something less eye-catching. What if something spills on me while I play with them?"

I shook my head "Don't worry, you're just exaggerating, but I think you made the right choice to dress nicely today."
"Maybe" he said then started walking forward.

"Wait! Stay here! I gotta make a call real quick" I said, he turned around and nodded. I quickly went over to my car and entered it to call Jongin.

.........Calling Jonginie💞..........

"Yeah, I'm already here"
"Already? I can't find you though"
"Where are you?"
"I parked my car and right now I'm front of the Cafe"
"You're already there? I'm still in the parking lot"
"You should hurry, Jimin is growing impatient"
"Okay then, I'll send Taehyung over instead of going with him.This way there wouldn't be any misunderstandings. You should enter already."
"Alright, we'll be waiting. Tell him to come here fast!"
"Got it!"

Jongin's POV
"Sorry, I kept you waiting, Jimin. It was an important call" I said.
He looked at me and smiled "Don't worry, Hyung. Should we order now?", I smiled at him and ordered our drinks.

Taehyung's POV
I can't believe it. She brings me here and then tells me to go inside without her, I just hope she's not planning on making me pay, I shouldn't have bought my wallet today.

I arrived at the Cafe and looked around, I was about to enter when I noticed a familiar face inside. It looks like... is that? No way! JIMIN!? I was looking at him with widened eyes, we suddenly made eye contact and his eyes widened as well. We stared at each other for a few minutes before I broke it to rub my eyes and check again but the person was gone already.

I looked at the ground trying to think if what I just saw was real or if I was just imagining things because I miss him too much. But I heard someone call my name, as I looked up to see who it was I saw... HIM!!

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