Chapter 12

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Third Person's POV
"And he asked me out!!" Jungkook yelled for the 50th time

"OK, ok. Calm down will ya'?" Namjoon chuckled, "Calm down? CALM DOWN!?" Jungkook yelled "MY FAVOURITE RAPPER OF ALL TIMES ASKED ME OUT AND YOU'RE ASKING ME TO CALM DOWN!?" Namjoon and Seokjin were wearing unamused expressions.

"So when's the date?" asked Seokjin sighing. Jungkook froze.
"Uhm... well... You know? I actually didn't give him an answer yet.

3 hours ago...

...❤️🔥Yoongi Hyung🔥❤️ is calling...

"You know... I wanted ask you something"
"What's that?"
"So we've been talking and meeting up for a while now"
"Would you go out with me?"

...Call has ended...

"Are you fucking dumb?" yelled Seokjin
"Hyung, language!" said Namjoon pointing at Seokjin and then looked at Jungkook.

"But seriously Jungkook, why would you end the call? At least give him a sign! I'm sure that now he thinks that you don't like him" explained Namjoon.
"I know but I was too surprised" Jungkook pouted.

"Why don't you call him and give him an answer?" said Seokjin while getting up.
"Does he still want to? I mean-"
"We all acknowledge the fact that he was too forward. He didn't even take time and went straight to the point and asked you out. That means he has been preparing himself for this for a while now. Just call him. I don't wanna hear you whining. If you want to then go talk to your Dad or something" answered Seokjin cutting him off, "Dad wouldn't understand these type of things" said Jungkook and took his phone out.
"Does it look like we do?" asked Namjoon and Jungkook nodded which just made him roll his eyes.

Hoseok's POV
"There's no way you're serious!" I said while taking a sip from my milkshake.
"I am, I know, I can't believe it either" said Taehyung on the other line.
"So you're telling me that, Noona is friends with Jongin Hyung who also is one of Jimin's friends?"

"How many times do you want me to repeat it?" Taehyung scoffed
"Sorry, sorry. Well buddy, good luck's on your side it seems. What are you doing right now?" I asked

"Going home. We already spent a lot of time together today. We exchanged numbers and we're planning on meeting up again next week"
"My bro, did you thank my sister?"
"Of course I did" said Taehyung and laughed, "Did you tell your Mom and Dad?", "Not yet. I'm planning on surprising them by bringing him over so don't tell anyone yet"

"You shouldn't have told me then" I said while sighing
"I'll kill you if you spoil anything"
"I'll try"
"Alright then I've arrived home. Did something happen here?"
"What do you mean?"
"I can hear screaming. WAIT"
"... "
"It's just Jungkook"
"Dude guess what!?"
"Jungkook just got asked out by that Rapper guy!"
"Jongin Hyung's brother?"
"Yeah, him"
"I know right?"
"We should celebrate all of this"
"What about you?"
"Anything happened to you?"
"I'm a single pringle"
"No, you're just slow"
"Didn't you get his number yet?"
"... Shit, I forgot"
"Don't ask me why you're single anymore"
"No, actually I got it but I forgot to text him"
"Then what are you waiting for??"
"Well... I don't, I'm just, alright I'll do it after I get home"
"My break's over. I'm going back. See ya' home"
"OK bye Hyung"

"Goodbye Hoseok-ssi" said one of the workers, "Bye, I'll see you tomorrow" I waved at him and left. On my way home I got a message from an unknown number

Jung Hoseok, right? 

Sorry, do I know you?

It's Min Jongin
Don't worry
I'm not a creep
I got it from your sister
She told me that you wanted it
But you were taking too long to text so I did it first.

Sorry, I just didn't know when you were free so I didn't wanna bother you.

Jongin Hyung🌙💛
I understand
Now, let's get straight to the point

Uhm yeah?
What is it?

Jongin Hyung🌙💛
Let's Date

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