Chapter 9

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Jiwoo's POV
I'm on a secret mission, yeah that's right!
'Bring back lovers that got separated for 8 years' mission.

All I gotta do is invite Taehyung to hang out with me. That's all. But, I know it's gonna be hard, he would probably question why I'm asking him so right now I'm wondering what the hell do I use as an excuse.

Jongin's POV

You there?

So did you ask him yet?

Yeah so, I have a problem.
I need an excuse.


I barely hang out with him alone, it has always been a group of friends so if I ask him only, I'm afraid he might get the wrong idea.

You're afraid that he might think that you like him?


Don't worry
You're too old for him anyways lol.
You can just tell him that you were planning on inviting a guy to that place and that since he was the only one free that day he should come with you to see if it's a nice place to bring a guy to. But like, don't tell him that it's a Dog Cafe, who doesn't like dogs?? Except if you're like allergic to them or something.

A guy???
Are you serious!?
And also, ouch!
I'm not that old

You don't like the idea?

Bub, you're a genius
I'm on my way
I'll text you after I'm done

Please don't call me Bub
It's embaressing
And ok
I'll be waiting then

Okay future brother in law!

Gosh Jiwoo

Jiwoo's POV
"Good Morning Namjoon" I greeted as I entered the shop.
"Oh! Hey, Jiwoo" he greeted back.
"Is Taehyung here?" I asked "Oh yeah he's with Seokjin, you can enter the house" he indicated towards the door, I thanked him and went forward.

"Seokjin!" I yelled as I entered, him and Taehyung jumped because of my loud voice, "Oh my God, you scared the hell out of me!" yelled Taehyung while Seokjin was still holding onto his chest.

I smiled then sat down "Taehyung are you free tomorrow?" I immediately went to the point, "Me? Tomorrow...yeah I am, why?" he asked, "I need you to come with me to a place", "Me? Why?Where?" of course I knew he would ask these questions, thankfully I memorized what Jongin wanted me to say.

"I was planning on inviting a guy to this place and since you're the only one free tomorrow you should go with me to see if it's a nice place"  I said confident.
Taehyung stared at me.

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