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Somewhere deep within the seas is an entire village underwater. In that village are merfolk and sirens. This  village was called Siren Falls. Everyone was happy there or so it seemed. One young siren was the exact opposite of happy. All he wanted to do was leave the village and maybe, just maybe visit the surface. But his family never let him. They always said the same things whenever he asked. "It's dangerous outside the village." "The surface is too dangerous, what if a pirate ship saw you?" "The village needs you here." "You're too young to leave the village." And so on. He kept asking though, every year on his birthday he would ask. And like always he was told no. He was sick and tired of the same thing every day and the same mefolk and sirens. His twin sister was the only one who kept him from running (or swimming) away from there. That was until the age of 16. By than he just didn't care anymore. He was going to leave whether he was allowed to or not. He was confident he could take care of himself out there. And no one could convince him other wise. Elsewhere on land a young human who lived in a town near the port wanted to become a pirate. And be did, he became the most fearsome pirate in the seven seas by the age of 16. Two years later he hears about an underwater village of merfolk and sirens. So he sets out to find it and capture one to keep as a pet. And if he caught more than one he was sure he'd get quite the amount of gold for one if he sold it. So what happens when him and the young siren meet each other?

Siren Falls (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now