Chapter 5

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My drawing. You do NOT have to like it. But if you do....yay! 😄

Dipper's P.O.V.

I woke up to Aegeas poking my cheek yet again. I took a look at my surroundings and oh look I'm still here on the ship what a surprise. I spotted Bill sitting at his desk writing something down. He looked up and saw I was awake. His eyes lit up and he hugged me. "Pinetree~ Your awake!" Okay then...this is odd. But I kinda don't want him to stop hugging me. "How long was I out for?" I asked him and had to stop myself from letting out a whine as he stopped hugging me and sat back down at his desk. "About 24 hours." "Holy sharks I was out for 24 hours! That's so fishing long! Oh my Poseidon if my Grunkles found out that I was captured by pirates and sang the sirens song well on that ship. I'm so dead." I started panicking until I heard Bill laughing. His laugh sounded so beautiful...No wait! Don't think like that Dipper! "Holy sharks? Fishing? Pinetree have you never cussed before or are you just seriously innocent as fuck?" He laughed. "H-Hey! I'm not that innocent! It's just that my Grunkles didn't like it whenever me or Mabel cussed." I whined. "Who's Mabel? What's a Grunkle? Who are Grunkles?" "Oh Mabel is my twin sister but she's a mermaid not a siren. Both my Grunkles, short for Great Uncles, are Stanley and Stanford Pines. There both mermen. I'm one of the only few sirens in our village." I said without thinking. "Are you from Siren Falls?" "Yep!" He wrote down something in that book of his. It was red with a golden triangle on the front of it. "What was it like there?" He asked. "Well it was pretty peaceful really. Everyone seemed to be happy there. It was small enough that we all knew each other. It was a little boring though because it was always the same people and same things every day. I always wanted nothing more than to leave the village and explore the ocean and all it's creatures. Well at least sense I was 8. But my Grunkles always said no. I would ask every day on me and Mabels birthday. And they always said no. So two days ago me and Mabel turned 16. And like usual I asked to leave and surprise surprise they said no. So my friend Wendy helped me sneak away that night. Than I met Aegeas, the octopus on my head, and than I went to the surface for the first time ever and it was even prettier than I imagined than you caught us and here we are." I explained. I don't know why I told him but for some reason I felt like I could trust him with anything. "So basically you ran away from home?" He asked. "More like swam because I don't have legs but yes." We just sat in silence for awhile before he asked, "Do you want to have legs?" Now I was very confused. "What do you mean? I'm a siren I don't think I can have legs even if I wanted to. Unless I made a deal with a seawitch but that's a really bad idea." (*cough* *cough* Ariel *cough*) "Well...there is this gem that according to legend can let any creature go between human, mermaid, merman, or siren at will." That's impossible. There is no way such a thing exist. He must be lying. "That's not possible..." "It is, I should know I have that gem in my possession." He said as he held up a sliver chain with a tear shaped sapphire in the middle of a silver triangle. Holy sharks.

The necklace is the picture at the beginning of the chap.

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