08 | The Hour of Secrets

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  BEFORE HOPE KNEW IT, the month of April was over

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  BEFORE HOPE KNEW IT, the month of April was over.

  The last day of April was yesterday, which meant that today, the Wysterians would travel alongside King Edmund and a few of his men to Narnia. Hope didn't think she would be granted the opportunity to visit Narnia with Odette, but then everyone realized that the princess was hopeless without her lady-in-waiting... literally.

  Besides, Hope dreamed of seeing Narnia herself ever since her youth, and what kind of best friend would Odette be if she excluded Hope from their trip?

  Hope couldn't believe how fast the time passed. April was the quickest month of her life. It felt like yesterday when she was criticizing the princess's arranged marriage to an absolute stranger, and now, Hope was friends with said stranger.

  Hope supposed her new friendship with King Edmund was what made the time go by so quickly. She spent many hours with him throughout the past four weeks, and all of those hours seemed to dissipate in the blink of an eye. As they say, time goes by when you're having fun. Between his side-comments during meetings and his terrible habit of pulling Hope away from her responsibilities, Edmund was quite the character, Edmund seemed to make even the most trivial moments interesting.

  Hope still wasn't a fan of the arranged marriage, but she liked Edmund enough to where she could accept it. She felt relief knowing that Odette wouldn't be stuck with some asshole for the rest of eternity.

  As April came to an end, Hope noticed there was something different about Wysteria. For the first time in her life, Hope noticed that the bleak kingdom she called her home looked a little bit brighter than before. You know, minus the whole thing where Wysteria was dying faster and faster by the day.

  What Hope meant by this was that Wysteria didn't seem as gloomy and dreary as it usually did. With a new king and queen on the rise, Wysteria glistened with the potential its future held. The country seemed so much more hopeful than before.

  As they say, April showers bring May flowers, and after years and years of rainfall, a rainbow named Edmund Pevensie colored the skies.

  Hope never thought she would be alive to witness Wysteria's glorious comeuppance. She was born during some of the kingdom's darkest days. Her father once told her that he was a young boy when Wysteria was at its peak, so his memories of those times weren't very strong. The only thing he recalled was feeling like the sun's magic had seeped into his spirit. Hope longed to see those days herself, and now, there was a chance she would. She just wished her father were alive to see it himself.

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