04 | The Princess and Her Lady

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  IN A WORLD WHERE we're taught that dreams often don't come true, Hope didn't know what to think when she found herself standing in the very heart of her dreams

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  IN A WORLD WHERE we're taught that dreams often don't come true, Hope didn't know what to think when she found herself standing in the very heart of her dreams.


  They were in Narnia.

  They were standing in Narnia, breathing its air, seeing it all at once, feeling its warmth (among many injuries and a killer headache). It was just like her dreams, only the best part was that she knew she was awake, and all of this was real. No longer did a foggy haze exist over the world. Everything was so clear. This was everything she'd been dreaming of. This was everything she was longing for. This was everything she'd been missing without really knowing she was missing it.

  "Narnia," she whispered so softly, so quietly that her voice drifted away with the morning breeze.

  Though she was elated, clarity and confusion approached her hand-in-hand. Her sleeping mind had finally awakened with a roar, and now, she knew for certain that her dreams weren't simply just dreams. They were memories — memories of a life she lived only one year ago. Wysteria. Narnia. King David. Queen Lydia. The Pevensies. They were real. All of it was real. Hope felt like she'd finally come up for air after being submerged in water for so long. Clarity was relief.

  But then came confusion. How exactly did she and Odette manage to flee Narnia? All she remembered was climbing into that wardrobe and falling out of another at Madame Minerva's Orphanage. Why did they have to leave Narnia entirely?  Why were their memories of Narnia and Wysteria erased? Why did they end up in the real world? No, that didn't sound right. Narnia was just as real as London was. But that didn't explain why they ended up in London, specifically.

  Everything Hope knew, or rather, everything she thought she knew was one elaborate lie.

  No, that wasn't right either. Because the last year of their lives was real. Hope knew it was real. Madame Minerva's was real, Odette's secretary job at the law firm was real, the children Hope nannied were real, the stray cat that Odette had a love-hate relationship with was real, and their raggedy apartment was real, too.

  But despite Hope knowing this, she couldn't help but ask herself: Why? How? What was real? What wasn't?

  However, these questions could be answered later. For now, Hope merely marveled at the world around them in awe. "Holy shit, we're back."

  "We're back," Odette echoed. She was breathless (for obvious reasons, but also because she couldn't believe it either). "It's just like my dreams."

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