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Draco Lucius Malfoy had a problem. He was expected to tutor Harry James Potter in Potions.

First off, if anyone knew the 'Chosen One' at all, they knew he was horrible at Potions. Second, how was Draco supposed to tutor Harry Potter when he didn't know if he'd be able to stop himself from kissing him if they were alone?

There was only one way this would end, and that was badly.


Harry James Potter stood outside of the classroom where he would be tutored by Draco Malfoy. He stood there for a second or so before he shook himself and set his hand on the door knob. He hesitated before pushing the door open.

This was gonna be... different.


"You're late." Draco said when the door opened. He didn't look up from his Potions book though.

"Sorry," Harry answered hurriedly, closing the door and walking over to Draco. "So-uh-what potion are we making?"

"Professor Slughorn wants us to make Draught of Living Death." Draco said, still not looking up from his book. "Don't know why, you did it perfectly fine first class."

Harry bit his lip and scratched behind his ear sheepishly. Professor Slughorn had told him a day or so ago that his potion was, while perfect, not quite like his other Potions. Ever since Harry had lost the Prince's book he hadn't been doing well in Potions, and Slughorn worried that his talent was depleted. That was why they were forced to go through this.

"Okay. So... should we start then?" Harry asked.

"No, we're just gonna sit here and twiddle our thumbs." Draco said sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny." Harry shot back, pulling his books out of his bag.

Draco finally looked up.

His hair looks so soft. Draco thought. Then he mentally slapped himself.

No, don't think about that right now. Focus.

"So Draught of Living Death..." Harry said, flipping his book open. "How do you do that, exactly?"

"You're completely hopeless, aren't you?" Draco said, accidentally letting his voice slip into the playful tone he used for his friends. When Harry looked at him in surprise all Draco could say was- "Yup. Completely."

It's his stupid green eyes. Draco thought, looking away.


"So... that went well." Harry said once the tutoring session was finished.

"Yeah but we'll need to have more of these." Draco said, rolling his eyes. "You were only able to do half of it by yourself."

Harry pouted. "More than half."

Draco laughed.

I've never heard him laugh before. It's a nice sound. Harry thought. Woah, where did that come from?

"Sure. A good 1.2." Draco said.

The boys fell into a comfortable silence.

"So, we should probably head back to our common rooms." Harry said finally.

"Yeah." Draco said. "See you-when? When do you want to meet again?" Then he added, "for tutoring."

"Well, I'm not doing anything tomorrow so if you're free...?"

"Ah, so soon you want to meet again, Potter?"

"No, I just want to pass Potions." Harry said, laughing. But some part of him told him that wasn't the case. He did want to spend more time with Draco. What a scary thought.


The next few lessons were rather uneventful. When Harry's Potions grade began to curve up instead of down, Slughorn decided that the lessons were doing good, and that they shouldn't stop quite yet.

This worried Draco, because he had no idea how he was supposed to keep up this façade of 'somewhat' friendship. It was harder than it looked, which was surprising, considering Draco had always been good at hiding his feelings. Why would now be any different?

Maybe it had something to do with his feelings, which seemed to just be growing.


"You're late. Again." Draco said when the door opened.

"Sorry." Harry said, grinning and ruffling his hair. Harry was about to crack a joke when he noticed that Draco looked to be off in some far off world, his cheeks slightly pink. "Are-are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Huh?" Draco jumped. "Oh-yeah. I'm fine." His cheeks were definitely pink now. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Harry said. "Let's get started then?"

Draco nodded and pulled out his Potions book.

"So what potion are we making today?" Harry asked.

"Slughorn said the next potion we're making in class is Amortentia, and he wants you to get a bit of a head start." Draco said.

"Okay." Harry said, flipping to the love potion's page.


Draco and Harry worked together to complete the potion, Draco telling Harry exactly how to do the few steps he trusted him doing.

"Okay, so it should smell like whatever or whoever attracts you." Draco said, his nose filling with the scent of Harry's cologne, treacle tart, broomstick polish, and a light smell of ink over the very top.

"Hmm..." Harry sniffed the potion. "It smells like-" he stopped short.


Apples, hair gel, broomstick polish, a new book, and Draco's cologne-it smells exactly like Draco Malfoy! Harry thought frantically.

"Yes?" Draco asked. "It smells like?"

For some unknown reason, Harry didn't lie. He didn't cover anything up.

"It smells like you." He said.

"What?!" Draco said, looking stricken.

"It smells like you." Harry repeated.

"I-" Draco didn't know what to say. Was Harry playing him? That didn't seem like something he would do.

And looking down into his emerald eyes, Draco realized he wasn't lying. Harry Potter was attracted to Draco Malfoy. There had to be some sort of rule against dating your arch nemesis, right?

And Harry, being an impulsive Gryffindor, kissed the Slytherin prince.


My first ever one shot!!! Was it good? Please please please give me feedback!!

See yah luvs!

(947 words)

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