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Thank you to @sigh100 for the idea!!
(This takes place during Order of the Phoenix while Harry is at school.)
(Just FYI I won't be having any smoking. It just has some bad memories for me, I hope that's okay.)

"Dinner!!" Molly called up the stairs. Her children may not be in the house but she was still the mother.

Sirius and Remus came down stairs together, Arthur right behind them.

"Thanks for making dinner Molly. I'm not used to getting good food from this house." Sirius said jokingly, but there was some part of his eyes that told Molly that it was true.

"No problem." She refrained from saying dear, because first, he wasn't her son despite however much it may feel like he is, and second he wasn't Harry, despite how similar their childhoods may be.

"This looks delicious!" Remus said, sitting next to Sirius at the long table.

"It sure does. My wife is the best cook in the world." Arthur said, planting a kiss on her cheek. She batted him away, tutting.

"Sweet of you Arthur," she said, rolling her eyes. Remus and Sirius chuckled.

Conversation slowly started between Arthur, Remus, and Sirius. They were talking about work, Remus explaining his job. He was a school teacher at a muggle school nearby and he was answering Arthur's many questions about the students there. Sirius broke in a few times, with information of the few times he had visited the school as a dog because, honestly, did Dumbledore expect him to stay in the house?

"Okay, But Sirius it's dangerous to go out like that. What if you got caught?" Remus demanded. Sirius waved it off.

Molly couldn't help laughing to herself. The two boys argued the way she and Arthur argued sometimes, whenever Arthur wanted to do something dangerous, like, oh, maybe, make a muggle car that is able to fly.

Then Molly noticed it. Remus and Sirius both reached for the salt at the same time, their fingers brushing each other's. Sirius pulled his hand back at once, his cheeks slightly red.

Remus seemed to not notice.

Oh. Molly made the connection almost at once.

~(This is me, apologizing for how cliché that was.)

Sirius and Molly stood outside on one of the small porches, leaning over the edge and looking at the stars. Remus and Arthur were inside doing who knows what, probably checking out the closet that had been rattling all through dinner.

"So Sirius... anything you need help with?" Molly asked.

"Huh?" Sirius jumped. "What? No."

"Right. But if you ever needed some advice..."

"Is there something you want to help me with Molly? I can't imagine what it would be but you're being rather obvious and-"

"I know you like Remus." Molly interrupted. Sirius looked startled. "Oh don't look so surprised. I have six sons and a daughter, all of which have fancied someone at some point. I can tell when someone is into someone."

"I-I don't like Moony." Sirius stuttered.

Molly nodded, a small smile on her lips.

Sirius sighed and rested his elbows on the iron fence around the porch. "Okay, maybe a little."

Molly laughed lightly.

"What do you suggest then?"

"Well you could always just... tell him how you feel." Molly said, pausing for dramatic effect. Sirius glared at her. "Oh Sirius, it doesn't all have to be a big thing. It's in the little things that you grow to love someone-do not interrupt me, Black-in the small things that you feel butterflies and see stars.

"You don't have to be overly dramatic, you don't have to risk your life for him or anything, just walk up to Remus and say-'Hey, I like you.'"

"Yeah, and then what? I'm a wanted criminal, we can't go anywhere." Sirius grumbled.

"I'm sure you'd figure something out." Molly winked.


"Just say, 'hey Moony, I like you.' Then move in from there." Sirius whispered to himself, fixing his hair in the mirror.

Molly laughed from outside his bedroom, making him jump about ten feet in the air.

"Merlin's beard, Molly! Don't do that!"

"Sorry," Molly said between laughs. "It's just-you're just like Bill. When he gets nervous he goes to the mirror, tells himself what to say and styles his hair. Then ends up not saying what he planned."

"Right well, I will."



"Hey Remus!" Sirius called as Remus headed toward the door. Molly had left mere hours before with Arthur and Remus had stayed because he 'didn't want Sirius to be alone in this house... again.'


"I-um-well I-"


Sirius couldn't say it. It would ruin everything.

"Spit it out, Sirius." Remus said.

"I-" Sirius took a deep breath. "I have to tell you something."

"Really?" Remus said, sarcasm heavy in his tone.

"Oh shut up." Sirius said, laughing a little. "I-I've- okay. I love you, Remus. I've loved you since fifth year, I think. Maybe before that too, I just didn't know what it meant what these feelings were- and I'm sorry if I ruined everything but-"

Remus kisses Sirius suddenly, silencing his onslaught of words.

When he pulled away Sirius finished, his eyes wide and his cheeks pink. "But I just had to tell you?"

"I love you too, Padfoot."


"Told You they liked each other." Molly said to her husband, holding her hand out. "Pay up, Arthur."

"How could I not tell?" The red headed man wondered aloud, handing his wife five sickles.

Molly laughed. "You were too busy asking Remus about the standard issue chalk boards."


*When you took forever writing a one shot but you're actually really proud of it*

Anyway hope you enjoyed! This was really hard to write but I really like it honestly and I hope you do too!

Next I'm writing a Rarry, so I hope you guys enjoy that too!

(971 words.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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