Secrets part 2

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Narcissa and Lily worked on finding an answer for what seemed like months, despite it probably only being a few weeks. There didn't seem to be one.

There didn't see to be a 'cursed tattoo remover,' or 'disappear evil mark' potion.

"This is impossible." Narcissa said after poring over the same book for two hours straight.

"We can't give up." Lily said.

"No one said taking a break was illegal though." Narcissa said, leaning back in her chair.

Lily glared at her.

"Okay, okay. Got it. Work."


About two hours later, Narcissa decided to try again.

"What if we went and did something fun?" The blonde haired girl asked.

"Such as?"

"I don't know. We could..." Narcissa trailed off, thinking. "Oh! We could go down to the lake, just sit and talk for a little while. Then we can come back and be able to focus."

Lily considered that. The idea of spending quality time with Narcissa was tempting, but Lily knew she would not be able to focus after it.

"Why don't you go take a break?" Lily said finally. "I'll keep working."

Narcissa looked disappointed. "Fine." She said, getting up. "I'll be a back soon, okay?"

Lily nodded.


"Lily!" James hissed from behind a bookshelf. Lily jumped and turned to face James, a light blush powdering her cheeks.

"What?" Lily demanded.

"It's Narcissa, isn't it?" James asked.

Lily stared at him.

"The girl you like." James clarified.

"I-James." Lily said exasperatedly.

"So I was right?"

"So what if you were?" Lily asked, putting her head in her hands. "It doesn't matter."

"Of course it matters, Evans." James said. "Why wouldn't it?"

"Because she doesn't like me back." Lily said. "Being friends is one thing. She-"

"Definitely likes you. Did you see her face when you turned her down?"

Lily rolled her eyes.

"Merlin, you're more oblivious than Sirius." James said, staring at the red head. Lily looked offended despite her not knowing about Sirius' crush herself. "Lily Evans, you are an amazing girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you. And Narcisa Black? She likes you. So go get her."

Lily stared at him, slightly unsure.

"And If she doesn't like me?" Lily whispered.

James smiled. "Then at least you tried."


Narcissa sat in front of the still lake, her long legs crossed in front of her.

Come on, Cissy. Did you really think she liked you? Hoped, maybe. But you can't have been that daft. The voice of Narcissa's sister, Bellatrix, whispered in Narcissa's head. Bellatrix seemed to be Narcissa's logical side.

Narcissa sighed and considered going back up to the library, then thought better of it. She needed a few more moments to herself.

"Narcissa!" Lily's voice called from behind her.

Narcissa jumped up and turned in surprise.

"Oh. Lily. I thought you were gonna stay inside...?" Narcissa squashed the hope that had blossomed inside of her heart mercilessly.

"Well, someone reminded me that I needed a break as well." Lily said. Narcissa didn't fail to notice the soft blush that bloomed on Lily's cheeks.

Some guy she likes. Narcissa thought at once.

Lily plopped down on the ground next to where Narcisa had been sitting before and patted the spot next to her. Narcissa sat down at once.

"So, Lily, what-" before Narcissa could finish, however, Lily had leaned over and kissed her softly, sweetly.

Lily pulled back sharply, a dark blush now on her face, reaching all the way down her neck.

"Sorry." Lily said, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

Narcissa stared at her for half a second before closing the distance once more with a soft kiss.

"What's there to be sorry for?" Narcissa whispered.

And the girls kissed again.


Sorry that took so long 😅 I kinda got distracted.

Anyway hope you guys liked it!

Feel free to give suggestions. I will literally write anything for you guys, even if I myself don't ship it.

(What would you all think of me writing a Grindeldore for my next one shot?) (idk if I'll do it yet, haven't really decided what to do next.)

Anyway, thanks for reading luvs!!

(689 words.)

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