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Warning: I've never written one of these before, so I apologize if it's bad.


James couldn't get Severus Snape out of his head. For years he had 'hated' him and been rude to him in an attempt to stop himself from ending up in love with him. But it wasn't working. He couldn't get the greasy haired kid out of his head.

Ever since Sirius and Remus had gotten together the group had gotten closer and even more protective of their werewolf friend. Sirius especially. But seeing Remus and Sirius happy together like that made it difficult for James to not tell Sirius the truth about his crush.

Merlin, why did he have to like Severus Snape, of all people?


"Severus, get up." Lucius snarled. "Stop moping over that mudblood. She doesn't like you. Get over it."

Severus glared at the Malfoy. He always thought he was better than everyone else, didn't he? Just because he was a pure blood. He thought he was always right.

But he wasn't right. Not this time at any rate. Severus hadn't liked Lily like that for a long time. In fact, he had started liking the one person who would never like him back. Who hated him and attacked him on a daily basis.

It was just Severus' luck that he fell in love with James Potter.


James was walking down to Muggle Studies with Sirius when he saw him. His curtain of black hair framed his face.

"...didn't do the assignment." Sirius finished. "James?" Sirius snapped his fingers in front of James' face. "Hello?"

James snapped his attention back to Sirius. "Sorry-what?"

"I said, last night we didn't do the assignment. It's due today." Sirius repeated.

"Shit." James said, mentally slapping himself. "We could always just-"

"Way ahead of you." Sirius said, pulling the Marauders Map out of his bag. "Let's go. Their are no teachers down that corridor."

Sirius pointed down the corridor Severus had just gone.

Double shit. James thought, but he followed Sirius down the corridor.


Severus hurried down the corridor and away from the Slytherin common rooms. He couldn't stand being in there anymore. Lucius and Theodore kept trying to convince him to help them convince Regulus to join the death eaters. Most people didn't know that Severus and Regulus were actually sort of-friends?

They didn't mind each other at any rate and they trusted each other. Regulus didn't want to join Voldemort. Neither did Severus. This set them apart from the other Slytherins, quite far apart really.

"...Make sense Prongs." Sirius Black's voice drifted down the corridor. Severus panicked and slipped into an unused classroom, his ear pressed against the door to listen for when the boy would leave.

"Sure it does!" James answered, laughing. Severus' heart skipped a beat. "Just because you don't pay attention-"

"I do! Just-oh come on, the class is boring." Sirius pouted. It seemed they had stopped moving.

"True enough. But not knowing the difference between a pen and a pencil?" James scoffed. "Really Pads?"

"They're way too similar. I wouldn't be surprised if the muggles themselves got confused." Sirius answered. Severus rolled his eyes.

"They don't." James said, sighing. "Can-Can I tell you something?"


"Sure." Sirius answered, studying James as he shifted nervously.

This is gonna end badly. James thought. But he took a deep breath and continued.

"I-I like someone."

"Really?!" Sirius said in a mock-shocked voice. "Since when?"

"Not Evans." James sighed. Sirius was really paying attention now. There was no backing out. "Severus."

"What?!" Sirius sounded shocked. "That-Wait..." Sirius closed his eyes and thought for a second. "Actually it sort of makes sense."

"You're-you're not mad?" James asked.

"Oh no, I am mad. Furious, actually." Sirius said. James' eyes widened. "That you didn't tell me sooner." Sirius finished. "Honestly I thought you trusted me, Potter."

James rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"James, I couldn't care less who you fancy, so long as you're happy." Sirius said. James smiled.

"Damn. I promised Moony I'd meet him in five minutes-talk later yeah?" Sirius yelled as he took off down the corridor.

"Sure!" James yelled after him.


Severus sat in the empty room in shock. James Potter fancy's me? He thought in wonder.

"What the hell-oh no." That was James' voice. Severus looked at the door handle just as it started to move. "Well well well, if it isn't Severus Snape." James said, stepping into the room.

"Potter." Severus answered, unsure how to act after what he had just heard.

"How much did you hear?" James asked.

Deciding there was no point in lying, Severus answered honestly. "Most of it."

James nodded stepping closer. "And?"

"It's kinda funny, isn't it? You've made fun of me all this time and in the end it doesn't even make you happy." Severus answered cooly, forcing himself to not step back.

"I know what would make me happy though." James whispered, taking another step closer.

"What?" Severus asked, his heart rate through the roof.

"This." James breathed.

And the Gryffindor pressed his lips to the Slytherin's.


I honestly don't know what that was. 😳 I think it was okay? I don't know. I tried.

Tell me what you think and what ship I should do next! (I have some ideas myself but if you have some you want me to do I'll do those.)

(900 words)

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