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I've never written This ship before so please don't judge me if it's bad. 😅

"For the last time, Potter! No! I will not go out with you!" Lily said angrily.

James sighed. "Why not? I've been trying so hard-Evans, please! You won't regret it!"

Lily took a deep breath. "James, please. Stop asking me out." She felt like she was about to start crying. She couldn't believe she was going to tell James Potter this. Of all the people she could tell, like Marlene, Alice, Remus-she was going to tell James this first. "I don't like you, not because of your attitude or anything like that. I just-I can't be attracted to you, James."

"What's that supposed to mean?" James asked.

"James-I-I like girls." Lily said. James looked shocked. "What?" Lily demanded, suddenly angry. "Am I really that bad just because of who I like?"

"No-Evans, I don't care. I mean, it hurts-hurts me, because I never really had a chance, did I?" James said. "Merlin, I'm sorry."

Lily stared at him. "Sorry?" She asked finally.

"I had no idea. I'm sorry that I made you so angry you felt the need to tell me first. I'm guessing you haven't told McKinnon yet?"

"No, I haven't." Lily answered. James smiled softly and turned to leave. "James Wait!" Lily called.

James stopped and turned back to face the red head.

"I didn't tell you because I was angry. I-I feel like I can trust you." Lily said, and it wasn't a lie. She wouldn't have ever admitted it before, but she had always thought James was easy to trust. He just gave off that sort of aura.

"Me?" James repeated.

"Yes." Lily said.

James grinned. "Maybe I could help you..." he suggested.

"Huh?" Lily asked.

"Oh come on Evans, you have to like someone!"

The girl's long blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin flashed inside Lily's mind and she blushed scarlet.

James smirked. "I'll help you get your girl."


Narcissa Black sat in the Slytherin common room, her long legs stretched out on the black leather sofa.

"Narcissa!" Lucius Malfoy called. The girl in question rolled her eyes and ignored him. Lucius always thought he was better than everyone else, didn't he? Prancing around like he owned the place. "Come on, Narcissa, talk to me." Lucius said, stopping right in front of Narcissa.

"Look Malfoy, I don't like you. I'm not going out with you. I'm not listening to you talk about your latest achievement. Just leave me be." Narcissa said impatiently.

Lucius scowled. "Come now, don't be like that!"

"Leave her alone, Lucius." Regulus called. "Before she hexes you. Again." Regulus has a way of speaking that made you listen, even if he wasn't saying anything special. Narcissa often wondered if his brother had the same skill. They didn't see each other much anymore and they hadn't spoken for years. Sirius Black was quite the topic of conversation in the Black family, but he wasn't ever present to hear the horrible things his parents said about him.

"Fine." Lucius said, stepping back.

Regulus walked over to Narcissa.

"What is it, Reg?" Narcissa asked.

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