Truth or Dare

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(I was inspired by a TikTok from @ beebadee for this.)

"I've just-I've known him for so long, Remmy." Lily said. "Why am I only now seeing this side of him?"

"Well, he's always tried to show off around you. So clearly he's not gonna show how soft he is." Remus laughed.

Lily put her face in her hands. "I thought he was just a bully. Nothing more. But he's-he's actually sweet, and kind, and so much more than just a prankster."

"James is a good guy. If you like him you should go for it." Remus said.

"Rem, I can't. I've known him since first year. And he and I are friends now-I don't want to ruin that."

"So what are you going to do? Hide your feelings?"

"I-I don't know." Lily admitted. "I can't do that, can I?"

"You should hurry and tell him though Lily." Remus said. "As you know, he's pretty popular.  I'm sure he'll ask someone out and they'll say yes."

Lily nodded and took a determined step towards the exit of the library. Then her ears turned bright red and she turned back. "I can't do it Remus. We're just friends."

Remus didn't say anything. He couldn't help but make some connections between what Lily had said and his own feelings.

"I've known him for so long." Since first year, that was how long Remus had known him.

"He's actually sweet, and kind, and so much more than just a prankster." He is. He really is.

"He and I are friends." They are.

"We're just friends." But they can't be! Why was the thought of him making Remus' palms sweaty all of a sudden.

"Shit." Remus said, standing suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked.

"I-I think I'm in love with Sirius." Remus said. Lily blinked at him in surprise. "Lily!! What do I do?!"

Lily stared at Remus for a second. "I don't know... but Remus, you'll have to tell him."

"No. No-I can't do that! It would change everything!" Remus said.

"I-okay. Let's think about this a little bit more, okay?" Lily said, rubbing Remus' arm and gently pulling him back to his seat. "What brought about these thoughts?"


"Agh, Sirius, honestly, I'm not gonna ask her out again." James said, releasing the snitch he had taken into their dorm and then diving to catch it.

"James Potter don't give me any of that rubbish. You're seventeen. We are graduating this year. If you never get her to go out with you, you might never get another chance." Sirius snapped back, pushing his hair out of his face impatiently.

"Sirius, she rejects me every time I ask her out." James reminded his friend.

"She's seen another side of you now. You know-one that isn't constantly trying to impress her?"

"You wouldn't be so confident if you had to ask out the girl you've liked for ages."

"I'm gay." Sirius reminded James. He'd told his friend in fifth year and James had been totally cool about it, despite asking multiple times why Sirius wouldn't come out to the other Marauders.

His reason was simple of course. When the person you have a crush and they find out you can like them, it gets hard to pretend you don't like them.

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