𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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"This is so good," Mal said as she at her sandwich. "I know we should put one in Auradon," Jay said as wiped his mouth.

"This is the best thing I have ever had," Dizzy exclaims while she drinks her smoothie.

"I knew you would love, almost everybody does," Eve said as she watched her friends eat. All Eve got was a smoothie, everyone else got a sandwich and a smoothie.

"So tell me about this evil," Eve said changing the subject from food. Everyone shared a look, it told Eve that they knew more than what they were going to tell her.

"Well, we don't know much," Mal lied.

"But when it attacked Auradon, it said it was looking for the witch and the werewolf," Ben told Eve.

"And when asked about it, he said that Auradon is where he last felt the witches power," Carlos said as he drank his smoothie.

"What would this evil want with a witch and werewolf? And also how does this involve me?" Eve asked.

"Well we don't know want he wants with them," Mal said.

"And it involves you because you are the witch and the werewolf," Evie said. Which shocked Eve.

"How do you know this?" Eve asked looking at everyone though her curious bright blue eyes. Everyone shared the same look as before.

"We asked if they could tell us the name of the witch and the werewolf," Dizzy said.

"He said that the witches name is Eve, and he didn't know the werewolf's first name," Celia said.

"He just knew the last name which was Lykensen," Lydia said calmly.

"And then we figured out that he meant you," Ben said.

"Apparently, he didn't know that the witch and the werewolf were the same people," Jay said ending Ben's thought. Eve nodded she was taking in all she had been told.

"So, how are we going to stop it?" Eve asked.

~~~POV change brought to you by the unknown evil~~~

Wanda was in the den with Wyatt and Willa. The two were telling Wanda about Eve's new friends. After the two were done talking with their mother they went off to hang out with Wynter.

Which left Wanda alone with her thoughts. I can't believe that man is coming for her, Wanda thought. The man she was talking about was none other than Eve's father. The one thing she never told any of her kids, except for Wyatt who found all this out on his own, was that they weren't really siblings.

Eve and Willa belonged to two different families. The only kid that was truly hers was Wyatt. Willa was abandoned by a dying pack member after an attack. Willa was the only one who survived with no injuries. The pack didn't want to give up Willa but they had no choice, they could barely take care of themselves, how were they supposed to take care of a baby. So they left her with the Lykensen pack, a great ally to them.

The pack knew if there was no one better to take care of the baby than the Lykensen pack. Eve was also abandoned outside the den, but for a different reason. Eve's birth mother wanted to keep from away from her birth father, who wanted to use Eve's powers for evil. Eve mother, Delia, didn't want that for her daughter so she fakes her death along with her daughters and went to leave her with the wolves. It took a lot of begging but the wolves finally agreed to take the baby in.

Wyatt only found out about the well-kept pack secret is because he overheard a conversation about the matter. But Wanda had another secret she was not telling Wyatt. It is that is real sister is Waverly, Wanda is the only person in the pack that knows that. Some secrets are too dangerous to share. If that jerk hurts her, I swear, Wanda thought. She was the only one who knew the truth of Eve's parents she didn't even tell Wyatt that secret.

~~~POV of change brought to you by family secrets~~~

Eve was still in Seabrook showing her friends that place where they would stay. "Now, unfortunately, it will have to be two to a room," Eve said as she unlocked the door to the house then handed the keys to Mal.

"That's fine, we have no problem sharing," Mal said as she took the keys and walked in.

"I have a little problem, but whatever," Lydia said entering the house.

"Hades, the basement is for you. That is if you want it," Eve Said pointing to the door that leads to the basement.

"The basement is perfect," Hades said walking to the basement. "I prefer to be underground,"

After the roommate situation was handled, Eve made her way back to the den. She went to her room and got ready for bed. As soon as her head her pillow, her eyes went wide. She was having a vision.

The vision was of a woman carrying a baby through the woods until she made it to a wolf den. The lady wandered in only to be met by growl wolves. Because of that, the baby began to cry, which made the wolves stop growling. Soon, Wanda went up to the lady.

"Please take my baby, I have to protect her from father," the woman said.

"Why would you need to keep the baby from her father?" Wanda asked.

"He is a bad man," the lady said. After much begging the wolves finally agreed to take the baby.

"Don't my darling, this will make sense one day," the lady said. "I love you my Eve,"

Before anything thing else could happen the vision was over. "Oh my, I was adopted," Eve said to herself as she went to her magic mirror's hiding spot and pulled it out.

"Magic mirror show me, my real mother," Eve commanded the mirror. Soon, Eve was shone the woman from her vision.


𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓: 𝐹𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙Where stories live. Discover now