𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10

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Delia, Duke, Millie, and Max were walking down the street, Eve was in their field of vision. But, that was when Max and Millie were getting cold feet and Delia was gaining confidence.

"Come on kids we are so close," Delia said dragging her kids forward.

"Mom, I'm getting nervous," Millie said taking her hand from Delia.

"Mom, we had confidence back home but now that she is right there, we are kinda scared," Max said fiddling with his fingers.

"Come on kid, it will be fine," Duke said pushing his kids forward. Millie and Max took a deep breath and continued to walk. Millie was looking at the ground that she didn't notice she was about to walk right into Wyatt.

Suddenly, Millie bummed into Wyatt, to no one's surprise because she wasn't paying attention. When Millie did bump into Wyatt, he almost spilled his smoothie on her, but luckily Eve was there and stopped it with her magic.

"Hey, Kiddo! You need to watch where you are going next time," Eve said helping Millie up and giving her a friendly smile.

"I'm Millie," Millie said looking up at Eve and returning her smile.

"I'm Eve," Eve said that was when she finally got a look at Millie parents. Eve immediately recognized the woman she was her mother.

"Mom?" Eve questioned looking at the woman. Delia nodded tears welling up in her eyes. Eve immediately hugged Delia, who was happily surprised.

"How is your hair black? Last time I saw you it was white with a brown streak," Delia said hugging Eve back.

"That is a long story I will tell you later," Eve said pulling away from the hug.

"Ok, but for now here is your brother Max and you already met your sister Millie, " Delia said pushing the two forward.

"Do you guys want to do something fun later?" Eve asked her newfound linings. Millie and Max nodded.

"And this is my husband Duke," Delia said dragging him to the front to meet Eve.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Duke said shaking Eve's hand.

"You too," Eve said. "Do you want to go to the lake with me and my friends?"

"Sure. Can they come too?" Max asked pointing to Delia and Duke.

"Sure why not, the more the merrier, I'm Mal by the way," Mal said coming up to the small group. Eve pulled out a pair of pink scissors.

"What are those going to do?" Zed asked walking up to the group. "Also I'm Zed,"

"Cool, a zombie," Max said excitedly, which put a smile on Zed's face.

"These are going to get us to the lake, Duh," Eve said twirling the scissors around her finger.

"But their scissors," Jay said suspiciously. "And I'm Jay, just so you know,"

Eve let out a laugh. "That is what you think," she said suddenly in a serious tone. She stuck the scissors in the air and cut upwards, everyone was expecting nothing to happen. But to Everyone's surprise, not including Eve, a portal opened.

"Woah!" Everyone said at the same time when they saw the portal.

"I know right," Eve said putting the scissors back in her bag. "Now let's go,"

One by one everyone went into the portal. But after they when through, everyone saw that they weren't at the enchanted lake.

"Eve where are we?" Ben asked looking out at the beautiful beach landscape that stretched on for miles.

"The beach dimension of Litore," Eve said snapping her fingers and changing everyone into their swimsuits. "Now, wait are we waiting for let's go swimming," Eve yelled running into the water.

"There is something we should tell you," Millie said a bit awkwardly.

"The two of hybrids of a wolf and a mermaid, I know but have you met us, we don't care that you're different," Eve said using magic to bring Duke, Millie, and Max into the water. A few minutes later all of their tails formed. Duke's tail was gold. Max's was dark blue and Millie's was white.

"Your tails are so pretty," Addison said. "Oh and I'm Addison,". Soon everyone was introduced to everyone else. They all had a fun time playing in the water. After a few hours, everyone got out and now they were having a picnic on the beach.

"Guys now that it is dark who what's fireworks?" Eve asked excitedly. Everyone said yes, obviously. Then Eve started the firework show. It was so pretty, some fireworks explode to say peoples name, and some explode into pictures.

"That was so awesome," Millie said when the show was over. Eve then opened the portal and everyone walked threw to get back to Seabrook.

"So, what exactly do with the Blood Rudy to keep it away from Eric?" Delia asked walking beside Eve.

"I destroyed it," Eve said smoothly.

"You did what now?" Delia asked she was clearly shocked but trying to hide it.

"I destroyed it. Is there something wrong with that?" Eve asked with a nervous laugh.

"No there is nothing wrong with that, but we are going to go back to our hotel and we will see you tomorrow, ok?" Delia asked clearly trying to get away before she had to explain anything. Eve just nodded and said goodbye, then she and her friends went in the opposite direction of Delia.

"Ok, mon what is your deal with that Rudy?" Max asked once Eve was out of earshot.

"Well, that Rudy may have been the only thing keeping her alive," Delia said slowly.

"What?" Millie and Max yelled.

"Well, when Eve was born the moonstone gave her a lot of energy and it is constantly trying to take it back. So, she was given the Rudy to keep the moonstone from doing that and now that the Rudy is destroyed who knows what could happen," Delia said awkwardly.

"So, you're saying there is a chance Eve won't die?" Millie asked. Delia nodded in response.

"We don't tell Eve about any of this. We don't want to get her worried if it turns out that it is nothing," Max said in a serious tone. Everyone nodded and continued their walk to the hotel.


Author's note:

So, this is the end of Fighting evil. I hope you loved it! But, not to worry I will be making another book. That book will be out next week. Because I finished this story on the 29th of June and since then I have been work on stop on the newest Lost Wolf book. 

Am I crazy? Also, if you make your own book based on mine please tag me! I would love to read what you wrote!


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