𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4

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Eve ended the mind link she had with Wyatt. Soon after that Wyatt went over to Eve's bag and got the book. "Mal," He called walking over to her.

"What is it?" Mal asked.

"Eve said there was a tracking spell in here that can help her find us," Wyatt said.

"How did you talk to Eve?" Carlos asked confused.

"Werewolf mind link," Willa answered for him. Everyone for Auradon just nodded.

"Ok, let's give that spell a look," Mal said as she took the spellbook and began to look through it.

~~~POV of change brought to you by Dad's everywhere~~~

"I'm so glad that you recognise me after
All these years," Eve's dad said.

Eve was shocked that the man sitting before her was her father. Why did you kidnap me? Eve questioned in her head.

"I took you because I need your help," the man said.

"Before I agree to do anything with you, what is your name," Eve asked looking sceptical.


"Ok, now what exactly do you want help with? Also, can you remove these stupid cuffs," Eve said showing her wrists? Eric snapped his fingers and someone came up to Eve with the key.

"I need your help to find something," Eric said as he put his feet on the table.

"What is it you are trying to find?" Eve asked.

"The Blood Rudy, ever heard of it?" Eric asked running his fingers through his black hair. Eve has heard of the Blood Rudy. She read about in the book of legends, it was an ancient crystal that only certain people could touch.

"So, you have heard of it," Eric said.

"You can read minds?" Eve asked.

"Of course you did get your powers from me, the werewolf I'm you are from your mother," Eric said. He moved his legs off the table.

"Ok, so what exactly do you want with the Rudy?" Eve asked as she moved close to the table.

"Help me get it then I will tell you," Eric said simply. Eve thought for a moment.

"I will not help you until you tell me what you want with it," Eve said in a serious tone.

"And what would I do that?" Eric asked.

"Listen, Eric," Eve said. "I'm willing to help you since you clearly can't get the Rudy without or else you wouldn't have kidnapped me, but if you don't tell me what you want with the Rudy, I will walk out the door,"

"Smart girl," Eric said. "I need the Rudy to recharge my magic,". Eve had a confused look on her face. Witches didn't need to recharge their magic unless something happened that damages their magic.

"What happened?" Eve asked. Eric was caught off guard by that question, Eve could tell.

"Well if you must know," Eric said then he shows her his hand. They had cuts, bad cuts, on them, that's why Eric needs the Rudy. If a witch or a warlock cut their hand and it was bad, like Eric's, it would affect their magic.

"How did that happen?" Eve asked concerned.

"Your crazy mother did this to me, then she took you away and I only recently found you," Eric said. Eve could tell he was leaving stuff out. But she wouldn't get a good answer from him if she asked so she kept it herself.

"So," Eric said. "Will you help me?"

Eve put up a mental block so her father, or Eric, or whoever that man was couldn't hear her thoughts. Eve knew where the Blood Rudy was. It was around her neck.

Wanda had given it to her when she was 5. Eve made sure she didn't touch the necklace as she thought over her options. If she did that would tell Eric that the necklace was the Rudy.

"Fine, I will help you," Eve said. She figured if she could be on his good sore he could tell her more about her family. Eve would lead him on a wild goose chase, it would keep him far away from the real Rudy. Something within Eve told her not to let Eric have the Rudy.

"Great, we will start tomorrow. But in the meantime, your friends are coming way too close to here and they can't find this place," Eric said.

"So, I'm leaving?" Eve asked. Eric nodded then led his daughter to the exit.

"Don't tell anyone about our little chat, ok?" Eric said opening the door. Eve nodded then left.

"Bye," Eric called after Eve. But she pretended like she didn't hear him.

~~~POV change brought to you by the Blood Rudy~~~

When Mal did the spell it leads her on the same path as Eve. "Everyone this way," she said as she walked away. Everyone followed.

"Hey guys, the lake is this way," Eve said as she walked past them.

"We know, but we are coming to find you," Jay said ignoring the fact Eve just walked past. Eve giggled. Slowly one by one everyone realized that Eve was with them.

"Are you alright?" Mal asked.

"What happened?" Carlos asked.

Eve knew she could get away with lying to her friends. She learned a while ago to control her heartbeat when she is lying and Mal was the daughter of the Dark Fairy. While Mal and her mother were two very powerful creatures, they did not have the ability to read minds. That power is something only witches have, and those two are more on the fairy side.

"Well we were in a truck driving to someplace, and when we stop I hopped out," Eve said plainly.

"And you came back here?" Zed asked. Eve nodded.

"Guys, I'm a witch it is not that hard to escape to guys who don't have magic," Eve said with a laugh. Soon everyone went back to hanging out and having fun.

~~~POV change brought to you by secrets, we all have them~~~

It had been years since Delia had seen her daughter. Give her up to the Lykensen wolf pack was a hard decision to make, but it had to be done.

"Hey hon," Duke, Delia's husband and mate, said as he entered the kitchen.

"Hey, your breakfast is on the table," Delia told her husband as she made herself a plate. The two sat down at the table. There were two empty seats that would usually be fulled by there two kids, Millie and Max, but they spent the week at their grandparent's house and there were scheduled to come back later that day.

"When they come back you should tell them," Duke said breaking the silence as he ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

"How do I tell them that they have a sister?" Delia asked dramatically.

"Just tell the this have been a secret for long enough," Duke said eating his food. Delia sighed. She knew Duke was right but she didn't know exactly to tell Millie and Max they have a sister.

"I hate when you're right," Delia sighed as Duke's fave made a knowing look.

"I know," Duke said smugly. Which made Delia growl.

Later that day, Delia was in the living room with Duke watching tv, when there was a knock. Delia went to open it. When she did she saw Millie and Max. The two 16-year-olds waved by to a car pulling out of the driveway.

"Hon, I think we have guests," Delia said to her husband.

"Mom, cut it out," Millie laughed as she enters the house. You could tell she took after her father, with her dirty blonde hair and oval face shape. The two were also taller than Delia and Max, who took after his mother. He had blonde hair, like his mother, and circular face shape. Max was also short like Delia.

"Hey kiddos how was your trip?" Duke asked coming to hug his kids.

"It was awesome," Max said as we went to the living room.

"Well, tell us all about it," Delia said closing the door and went to the living room. Millie and Duke weren't far behind. After Millie and Max told their parents about their trip, Duke gave Delia a look that told her to tell them he secret.

Delia sighed. "Kids you have a sister," she said plainly.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓: 𝐹𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙Where stories live. Discover now