𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7

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Eve finally made it back to Seabrook. She was wanting to go see her friends so she could tell them what happened. But when she got to the house she immediately knew something was wrong. Eve was walking up the road when she saw Zed.

"Hey you look familiar do I know you?" Zed asked as Eve walked by.

"I should hope so, we've known each other for about a year," Eve said with an awkward laugh. Omg, why does he remember me, Eve thought.

"Well, if I've known you for that long, I should be able to recognize you," Zed said crossing his arms in a thinking fashion.

"Hey! Zed you are talking too?" Addison asked walking out of the house.

"This girl, I have a feeling I know he but I can't recognize her," Zed said studying Eve's face.

"Hi, I'm Addison. What is your name?" Addison asked with her usual sweet smile. Omg, Addison too, what is going on? Eve thought.

"It's Eve," Eve said returning the song simile.

"That name sounds familiar," Wyatt said walking up to the group.

"And you look familiar," Willa said coming up to Eve.

"I know right! But I can't place my finger on where I know her from," Zed complained.

"Hey, Eve!" Zoey said running up to her with her wolf friend Wendy. Well at least Zoey still remembers me, Eve thought.

"Wait you two know her?" Wynter asked the two girls. Zoey and Wendy nodded.

"And you should know her too, you guys are siblings," Wendy told Wyatt and Willa.

"Really?" The two asked at the same time.

"Their memory of me is gone, but it shouldn't be, with these words make them remember Eve Lykensen," Eve recited spinning her hand in a circle sending waves of memories to everyone.

"Woah! I just got a chill," Zed said as the waves entered his mind.

"Eve, I can't believe we forgot about you," Addison aid hugging Eve.

"Maybe it was because of that mist that giant shadow hit us with," Zed said also hugging Eve.

"We should go inside and see if the others remember you," Wynter said dragging Eve inside, which made her and the others laugh.

When everyone gets inside the house Eve does the memory spell and makes everyone else remember her after what the shadow creature did.

"What kind of mist did that creature hit us with?" Carlos asked.

"It must have been oblivion mist," Eve said conclusively.

"Oblivion mist?" Mal questioned. Eve pulled out the book of Legends from her bag, then she slammed it on the table.

"Oblivion mist," Eve said turning to the page with the information on it. "It can erase certain memories from people's minds,"

"This book has a lot of interesting stuff in it, huh?" Mal said flipping through the book. Eve nodded then took the book back.

"So what happened after that weird shadow took you?" Ben asked curiously. Eve didn't answer, she didn't want to tell them about Eric and the Rudy.

"Eve you can tell us," Zed said rubbing his friend's arm. Eve still didn't answer. Wyatt sighed we knew that Eve probably wouldn't answer, so he would have to take drastic measures.

"You could call, you could call on me. You could fall, you could fall on me," Wyatt sang, making everyone look at him weirdly.

"And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do, you could put it all, put it all on me," Carlos sang, catching on to what Wyatt was doing.

"Speedin', 90 in a 65. Grabbed the keys and didn't tell 'em why. Just hit the road," Wyatt sang putting an arm around Eve. Addison caught on to what the boys were doing and joined in.

"When you need, relaxin' gettin' in my way. I'm fly in' down the interstate," Addison sang putting her arm around Eve's other shoulder.

"Just know, just know," Wyatt and Addison both sang.

"When you can't pull through when life's hard on you. Know it ain't no thing, know it ain't no thing. You know what to do," Wyatt and Addison sang.

"You could call, you could call on me(on me). You could fall, you could fall on me(on me). And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do. You can put it all, put it all on me," Carlos sang.

"You can count on me, one, two, three. Make it easy for you, A, B, C. And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do. You could put it all, put it all on me," Wyatt sang.

"I walk in(yeah, you did). Help you get up off that floor(come on). You ain't gotta be alone no more(no more). Just know, just know," Carlos sang.

"When you can't pull through when life's hard on you(so hard). Know it ain't no thing, know it ain't no thing. You know what to do," Carlos and Addison sang.

"You could call, you could call on me(on me). You could fall, you could fall on me(on me). And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do. You could put it all, put it all on me(come on). You can count on me, one, two, three. Make it easy for you, A, B, C. And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do. You could put it all, put it all on me," Wyatt, Carlos, and Addison sang.

"Yeah, put it all, put it all on me. Yeah, put it all, put it all on me," Carlos, Addison, and Wyatt sang.

"And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do. You could put it all, put it all on me," Wyatt sang.

"Cause when you can't pull through," Addison sang.

"When life's hard on you(on you)," Carlos sang.

"You can trust me, baby, yeah," Wyatt sang.

"Put it all on me," Addison sang.

"You could call, you could call on me(on me). You could fall, you could fall on me(you could fall on me). And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do. You could put it all, put it all on me(you could put it all on me). You could count on me, one, two, three(one, two, three). Make it easy for you, A, B, C(Ayy). And if you want to, tell me what you gon' do. You could put it all, put it all on me," Wyatt, Addison, and Carlos sang.

"Yeah, put it all, put it all on me(put it all on me, baby). Yeah, put it all, put it all on me(woo)," Carlos, Wyatt, and Addison sang.

"And if you want to, tell me what you're gonna go, yeah," Addison sang.

"And put it on me," Addison, Carlos, and Wyatt sang. After they were done singing, everyone clapped for them.

"That was so good," Dizzy said clapping

"You have to sing again," Evie said clapping.

"So will you tell us what happened now?" Wyatt asked.

"How could I not after that performance," Eve said laughing. So, Eve told them about everything, Eric, The Blood Rudy, The Shadow Creature. Everything Eve knew she told them.

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