𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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When Eve woke up that morning. She got dressed and went to the main out of the den. After a bit, more research Eve learned the name of her mother. It was Delia.

"Mom, can I ask a question?" Eve asked as she sat at the table across from Wanda.

"Sure, you can ask me anything," Wanda said, not knowing what she was about to get herself into.

"Who is Delia?" Eve asked. Yes it is true she did already know the answer but she wanted to see if her mom would lie. As soon as she heard the question Wanda dropped the plate that was in her hands, and it broke as soon as it hit the floor.

"Why do you want to know about a random person like that?" Wanda asked trying to avoid answering the question.

"Well she was in a vision I had last night. I thought you would know something her," Eve said.

"Well, I wish I could help but I don't know anything about that Delia person," Wanda lied.

Eve knew that her mother was lying but she didn't question it any further. She would just have to do more research on her own.

~~~POV of view change brought to you by me~~~

Mal has woken up early so she decided to make everyone breakfast. Since it was on Saturday, Eve could spend the day with them. They all could catch up, then talk game plan.

"That smells good," Carlos exclaimed coming down the stairs.

"It should because it is breakfast," Mal said with a laugh. Then there was a knock on the door.

"I get it," Jay said as he came down the stairs. When he opened the door Eve was there. Just then Ben came down.

"You will never guess who it is," Ben said to Mal.

"Let me guess, it is Eve," Mal said as she made plates.

"How did you know?" Jay asked.

"I guess it is the fact that Eve would be the only one to visit us," Evie said coming down the stairs.

"Hey Mal, what did you make for breakfast?" Eve asked sitting at the bar.

"Pancakes," Mal said handing Eve a plate stacked high with pancakes.

"I will go get everyone," Eve said, then she snapped her fingers and making everyone appear in the living room.

"Why I'm I up so early?" Lydia wined.

"Hey, you guys should thank her, if she didn't make you all appear here you would have missed...," Evie started but was cut off by Mal.

"Pancakes," Mal shouted with excitement. Everyone was super excited and quickly went to get their plate.

After everyone ate, Eve told them all to get dressed, she was going to take them somewhere. After they were all dressed Eve took them in the forest.

"Why are we in the forest?" Celia asked her voice as fulled with complaint.

"I want to show you the enchanted lake," Eve said as she ducked under a tree.

"But the enchanted lake is in Auradon," Mal said walking beside Eve.

"Yes it is, but the enchanted lake is in Seabrook too," Eve said as the group made it to the lake.

"Wow! I had no idea it was that big," Evie said with amazement.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited my other friends," Eve said taking off her cover-up.

"Why?" Lydia asked annoyed.

"They had nothing else to do, and Addison really wants to get to know you guys," Eve said as put on sunscreen.

"I feel bad for asking but which one is Addison?" Jay asked awkwardly.

"The one with the white hair," Eve said plainly. Then she went into the water. "Also this part of the lake is unenchanted, so don't worry,"

Soon everyone was in the water and having a good night. Suddenly Eve saw two guys coming closer to the group.

"Hey who are you guys?" Mal asked the boys.

No answer.

"Hey she asked you a question," Jay shouted.

Still no answer.

The two guys walked up to Eve and took her by the arms and dragged her off.

"Hey what are you doing with her?" Ben asked.

Still no answer.

Mal got mad and turned into her dragon. Which scared all of the people from Seabrook. Mal tried to blow fire at the guys but it doesn't work.

And Eve can't use her magic on them they have her arm pinned down and pointed away from them. The guys kept walking with Eve, she was screaming and kicking but the guys ignored her.

Soon Mal was out of energy and had to go back to her human form. While the guys got away with Eve. She decided to try something Eve mind linked with her brother.


'Yes Eve what is it?"

'Tell Mal to go into my bag and get my spellbook'

'Ok, but what would she do with that?'

'There is a tracking spell in the book, she can use it to help find me'

'Ok, I will tell her now'

Eve ended the mind link. She was caught up in talking with Wyatt that she didn't notice she was on handcuffed and in the back of a truck.

"What do you want with me?" Eve asked banging against the bars only to get burned because they're made of silver.

"It is not what we want with you it is what our boss what's with you," the guy driving the truck said.

"Ok, so, what does your boss want with me?" Eve said getting kind of annoyed.

"He never told us, and quite frankly we don't want to know," the guy in the passager side said. "Now shut up,"

Eve sat down and was quiet the rest of the ride. Soon the truck pulled up to a black heavily guarded building. When Eve was pulled out she was immediately blindfolded.

When the blindfold was removed Eve found herself sitting at the end of a long table. Soon someone else entered the room and sat at the other end of the table.

"Glad you came, though it is not like you had much a choice," a male voice said. Something within Eve clicked, and she recognised the voice.


𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓: 𝐹𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙Where stories live. Discover now