Chapter two

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Joshua pov

I can feel myself sweating as I wait impatienty in line for my coffee. I've never really been a big coffee drinker but I figured I might as well try it now.

To make up for my tossing and turning last night, which resulted in many hours of precious sleep lost.

Which is just fantastic, when you have one of the most important meetings in your life. I'm an actor, wow that's never going to get old.

Well 'newly found actor' I recently scored my first ever role, my big break. For this big budget romance movie I'm thrilled, to say the leasts.

I've never really thought I'd be where I am today. But then again I never really thought I'd even leave my hometown, let alone my home city.

But I have and even though it gets lonely being in a city by yourself in an empty apartment.

With walls that are so thin that you can hear what the neighbors below are watching and predict what the neighbors above are arguing about again.

It's not all bad, LA has so many amazing opportunities and I regularly have to pinch myself from thinking I'm dreaming.

In half an hour I'll be in a room with a bunch of directors and producers in a chemistry read through. With (what i'm told) 100s of girls lining up to get a piece of the action.

It's still so surreal that me a good for nothing loser is now going to be in a big shot movie.

To think that if I hadn't believed in myself, if I hadn't gone out on a limb. Left everything behind even my old life.

I would be in a boring college in an even more boring class which I'd probably hate with people who i wouldn't like.

In a city which I truly wouldn't be happy with, in a relationship I wouldn't be happy in for the rest of my life. Only to end up in an average job which would pay just fine, but i'd absolutely hate.

If i'm being honest this is the best decision I've ever made. Leaving everything behind, even a toxic relationship. Coming on a limb to La is the best decision, right?

Suddenly I'm snapped out of my trance when I hear a barista calling out my name. "Joshua.. Coffee for Joshua". "Oh thats me". I yell out as I scramble through the crowd of people to the counter. Where I grab my coffee and leave the barista with a smile.

Yes, now all you have to do is get to this meeting without stuffing up. I struggle to get out of the crowd again and I walk towards the door.

Just as I open the door I notice a small frame girl with beautiful brown eyes and long brown hair heading to open the door at the same time as me.

But before I know it, it's too late, the door swings open and the girl is pushed off the steps off the front of the cafe.

She falls straight on her back with a thud and my coffee which was in my hands two seconds ago, goes flying with her landing all over her small body. The girl lets out a yelp "oww".

My first instinct is to help her up, I quickly rush over to her and notice that her eyes are shut tight and that her whole chest, neck and face is red all over.

Oh no Joshua, you've really stuffed up. No, you royally stuffed up.

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