Chapter three

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Co-writing with RickyNini


I start to feel the floor between my feet slip and before you know it. My head hits the concrete hard and a splash of coffee covers my upper body.

I'm fighting the urge to scream and I let out a small "yelp". What happened, what happened, I screw my eyes shut and my body tenses. Until I finally somewhat come back to reality and hear a flustered guy's voice.

"Oh my gosh, im"... he starts to trail off. "I... uh.. Are you ok". I suddenly feel his hand brush my face and the tension in my body immediately disappears.

I open my eyes and fight the burning sensation all over my body and the looming headache. Which i know will come back to haunt me in a couple of hours.

"I gotta go... I sputter out.. I have somewhere to go... I gotta go". The boy speaks again, but this time in a calm and soft voice. "Hey , I didn't mean to do that but you can't go. I gotta get you to a hospital".

"Hospital" I whisper. No, I can't go to a hospital, I have my audition!! My big break, I gotta call my manager right away she'll know what to do."My phone.... I say as I reach around trying to find it.. Where's my phone"!!

"Oh about that... it.. Well I kinda broke when you fell", He said. "What".. I shouted..."this can't be happening".

I tried to sit up and the boy put a comforting hand on my shoulder, preventing me from getting up. "Woah hold up there", he said. "You just fell on our back and got boiling hot coffee spilled all over you, you're not going anywhere".

Anywhere anywhere? Who does this guy think he is? First he spills coffee on me and makes me fall backwards and now he's trying to control me. Filled with rage I pushed his now not so comfortable hand off me.

"Firstly you don't control me and you're the one who did this to me". I say wavering towards myself. "I'm fine and I gotta go somewhere", I screamed. He looked at me starled at my sudden outburst and change of demeanor and then said.

"Where are you going". "As a matter of fact I have an audition, which i'm now late to thanks to you"!!

Joshua pov:

"Audition"? I asked, "you can't go to an audition wearing coffee stains like that that will look unprofessional".

I pointed across her chest to the obvious coffee stains and the girl huffed loudly crossing her arms over her chest.

What's her problem, yeah I spilled coffee on her and knocked her over. But that doesn't mean she can act like a completely utter psycho b**ch to me. I mean I'm being a gentleman and TRYING to HELP her. While also missing one of the most important meetings of my life.

"Fine then i'll call an uber and go home" she shouted."How your phones broken" I questioned. "Ugh then i'll walk", she fired back.

"This is downtown La there's no way you live close here, i'll drive you back". I said as I pointed to the keys in my other hand.

"What".. She questioned... "There's now way I'm getting in a car with you". She shouted, "what, why not", I said. "Hello, stranger danger and plus I don't have a phone to call for help if you end up kidnapping me or worse!!

Ha me kidnap her, wow she's way more crazy than I thought. "Come on do I look like I could kidnap you" I said as I flashed my signature smile. She scoffed and looked at me back and forth. "Fine, I'll let you drive me back, on one condition".

"Yes..." i said dragging put the s. 

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