열 둘

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dark blue night and thin white moon
i sit at the end and look at you


she held him back, she had to. as if time had stood still and all matter had silenced, they're minds didn't process what was happening.

"don't do anything" her hand was firmly on his arm, his body tensed and ready to bolt at the soldier with the device grasped tightly in his hand

"don't make another mistake" and the clipboard was flung towards winwin, the plastic hitting him against the face. he didn't even twitch, his mind too focused on the one word that the staff had said.

as soon as the door closed, chenle bolted up, winwin's shirt in chenle's grasp in a second. the two boys looked at each other with upmost hatred, chenle slamming the boy into the wall.

"i would have killed you if you weren't her...boyfriend" chenle spat, hyejin sighing with upmost frustration at how they simply must act on their emotions. winwin glanced around at hyejin, hyejin nodding her head in a pleading manner as if signalling him to just play along

"get off me" winwin threw chenle's arm away, the atmosphere weighing down with thick intensity

"stop playing games. we need to get to NCT's base right now" she grabbed her bag, loading up a gun without hesitation. chenle was shocked at how fluent she was with these actions, but then again, chenle wasnt any less innocent. another door flew open, kun and doyoung tumbling out of the bathroom with their mouths gaped "what's happening?"

"i promise i'll give you an explanation, we need to go" hyejin threw her body out, yanking chenle and winwin along with her.

"we cant take the Stone car, i think they are on to us" She ran down the emergency stairs into the car park

"I told you we shouldn't have kept NCT in our base, Stone is bound to find out" Winwin slipped onto his motorbike, the helmet harshly pulled over his head

"i know, i know. i expected it, but what's more important is the fact that NCT is in danger right now. all the combat members are in my apartment, NCT's base is filled with non-combats and we can't risk anyone getting hurt" she got onto her own motorbike, chenle hesitant to get on.

"hyejin can i-"

"get on with winwin, i'm not here to let you pull another sick trick" and she reared her engine, before leaving chenle with a fog of dust. feeling that horrid pang of hurt smash against his heart, he groggily got on the bike behind winwin.

"hang on tight lele" winwin's words dripped with sarcasm, knowing that was a nickname hyejin had always called him

"nows not the time to get on my nerves-" and the bike jerked forward, the two set off on their way towards NCT's base. the road was familiar to winwin, a type of familiarity that stung. it was a road he could recognise from a single glance, like every other NCT members

winwin had a past too, and some of it, he wished wasn't his past

he never wanted to get involved with starship, he was also on a battle of survival, with himself


"they're there" hyejin breathed, chenle and winwin arriving at her tail.

"chenle call them, quick" she shook his wrist, chenle fumbling with his phone and praying that someone picks up.

"come on come on" he tapped his feet against the concrete as winwin led them around to the corner, hidden behind the rows and rows of bookshelves

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