열 다섯

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in the dark world
you're my best colour


the hospital was cold. and the atmosphere was thick amongst the members, besides the occasionally fuming chenle.

"calm down" hyejin gently slid chenle's hand off her wrist, a subtle annoyed expression written upon her face.

"you don't know if he's dead, don't risk it. i'll go" chenle urged, panic clearly evident in his eyes

"yah chenle, who do you think i am? when have i ever wanted a knight in shining armour?" she patted him on the shoulder, enough for him to shut up as renjun waited impatiently beside the two.

"you engineer you don't talk to people" he groaned, renjun kicking him on the foot as to say 'hurry up or i'll kick you're face next'. scowling at renjun, he exhaled through his nose and stepped couple steps back, hyejin thanking him with a cock of a head before entering the room.

it was silent, the curtains ripped and ragged into a colour of beige, the rare few ribbons of light shed into the area. the monitors located next to his soulless body beeped at every footstep, the hospital looking more like an asylum than a place to heal patients.

"why did i even come" renjun shivered, clipboard and pen in hand as they approached him

"why did you, it's not like you can negotiate out of an unconscious body" she nodded in agreement, reaching his bed. the seat creaked as she dragged it backwards, sliding into it with upmost caution.

"his...girlfriend, how did chenle kill her?" she glanced at renjun, watching him sigh.

"i don't know, i heard only chenle and jisung was at the sight" renjun slipped into the seat beside her "but all we know is that she's vanished"

"vanished? so she's not dead?" she perked her eyebrows out, the two stories not aligning. inho's finger moved, catching the attention of the two. hyejin shot up, renjun following suit.

"ji..." his voice rung like it was scratched on concrete, hoarse and uneven. his eyes opened , his body paralysed in spot.

"inho" she tried to place a hand on his shoulder but he jerked forward, sending the monitor crashing to the ground at the force. renjun jumped back, behind the girls back as his fingers were slotted into his ears

"ji a-" he looked at hyejin frantically "where is she?!"

"who?" she tried to stay calm but inho looked as if he was whole heartedly mentally unstable. his arms and body shook, the silence disturbed with breaths that weighed heavy and uncontrolled

"where is she!?" he scrutinised his atmosphere, then proceeded try and throw himself off the bed.

"inho!" she didn't know what to do. after all, the man in front of her was the man who has tried to kill her multiple times.

"she's dead inho!" renjun screeched from a distance away. inho froze, hands on the edge of his bed as his bed as it was silenced again. the thrashing storm grew quiet, the thunder no longer thundering and the rain no longer pouring.

"chenle...it was chenle. he killed her" he stood up, face distorted and voice broken.

"hyejin we need to go" renjun took hold of her hand, dragging her away as hospital staff rushed in.

"he killed her! she's dead! it was chenle!" his voice was drowned out by the closing of the door and wrestling of the patient.

renjun and hyejin stood outside, breaths uneven at the sight of the commotion. inho had finally snapped, into an unrecognisable monster

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