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for once i wish i could see myself


"i want you to answer me one question" chenle had never looked so intimidating and the last time she had seen him like this as the first time they had met, at the oil station

she didn't reply, and a gulp was the only thing she could muster up

"why won't you accept me?"

"look it's not that- it's just really complicated right now and i-"

"do i still have a place in your heart?"

"not everything's just black and white"

"answer me" his voice dropped several tones lower, eyes baring hunger

"can you just listen-"

"fucking answer me!" the whole hospital halted at his sudden yell, the slam of his hand stealing her breath away from her lips.


"guys please stop fighting. chenle get away from her, there's updates on inho. we got a signal that he turned on his phone" ten ran towards them with an ipad in hand, separating them. they clustered around tens ipad as jeno quickly joined them with a clipboard in hand

"here, it says he's here" ten pointed frantically at the shimmering red spot on the screen, jeno jotting it down. ten hasnt been in the best state since the explosion of their base, mainly because all his beloved devices had been blown up, even the ipad he had now was rather cracked to put it nicely

"get mark and johnny, we'll need them" jeno nodded at the instructions and bolted off the other direction, watch placed near his mouth.

chenle and hyejin avoided any line of eye contact as they followed the group, a gun passed to chenle while he hesitated to pass one to hyejin. she wasn't experienced enough and he would rather not have a bullet fire the wrong direction.

she tailed the members in front of her, until a warm grip wrapped around her wrist, bringing her eyes up to chenle's.

"you're not allowed to leave my side today"


with her wrist still attached to chenles grip, they turned the corner and slowed when they reached an almost broken down sight, benches dusted and the ground littered with debris

chenle knew where this was, and so did jeno and renjun.

the memories were vague, but it brought back nostalgic times.

immediately, chenle renjun and jeno turned their head around, searching for jisung. to their relief, he was not at the sight.

"hes there" yangyang pointed out, slowing the trailing members down. chenle's grip tightened on hyejin as they approached.

though to hyejin, she felt as if they were trespassing. inho was knelt on the floor, head buried in his hands and whimpers leaving his mouth.

this felt wrong. looking at him while he was in a state of distress

"should we just kill him now?" taeyong whispered, five pairs of eyes shooting towards him as if he was out of his mind

"he's grieving" hyejin sighed. she know what the pain felt like, it reminded her of that day where she watched everything leave before her very eyes

"over what?" yangyang shifted so ten wasn't basically squashing him.

"over pain" chenle replied, him being the only one who knew inhos story. there was definitely something both jisung and chenle were hiding, but it's pointless to pry something out of rocks

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