열 하나

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we cried a lot and laughed a lot
but it was so beautiful


as the sun made its appearance, the delicate beams creating golden streaks across the sleeping bodies, the odd silence bringing some peace to them for a minute.

chenle lifted up his head, one hand supporting the rest of his body. his head pounded, all objects slurring together to create an unrecognisable blur. his eyes then shot towards the steam beside him, an unevenly shaped porcelain black bowl placed on the cardboard box that acted like a bedside table.

he slowly edged near it, the thick porridge sitting warmly in the bowl, a wooden spoon complementing it. a sticky note stuck on the spoon, a familiarly messy handwriting scrawled across it

drink it, it'll help

he knew who that handwriting belonged to, his head revolving around to see no one in the room beside kun, doyoung and taeyong. his scrunched up his eyebrow, letting his eyes wander down to his left hand that lay limply off the bed.

he may have been drunk, but he seemed to keep selective memories

a hand wrapped around his, the fingers he had once held onto without hesitance slipped through his. he didn't know what was happening, but the shuffling sounds beside he simulated that someone was indeed there. he felt the pair of hands bring his towards her chest, her back left against the mattress.

she was on the floor, her head dipped down and her back leaning against the mattress. but the thing was, she wasn't on the mattress, she was next to it

how uncomfortable would it be to sleep on the floor with a mattress as your back rest. it was the only thing she could do when her morals began to disperse. just for one night, they'd lay under the same roof, holding each other's hands, and forgetting about their past

just one night, before everything will come back to reality

slipping out of the bed, his feet pattered against the wood, his fingers sliding against the toughened frame of the door, his forever lion like hair sat untamed on his head. he was curious, being like a lost child wandering down the danger driven hallways. it was a dumb decision, but his heart had always had its own mind.

it wasn't until he spotted a dashing hyejin that he shrunk back into the mould of reality. the girls footsteps were loud and heavy, thundering against the not so stable floor while thrashing her arms around. no one was chasing her, yet she ran as if a herd of bulls were hurtling behind her.

the two spotted each other, hyejin cursing quite audibly before grabbing chenles arm and yanking his body back into the room

"everyone wake the hell up" she was panicked, violently shaking kun and doyoung up "its inspection day, they're coming for report checkups"

it was vocabulary they knew, but couldn't understand. hyejin gave them no time to stir in their sleep, tugging on their arms to rush them into the confined bathroom.

"don't just stand there, help for gods sake!" she exhaled sharply, flinging the blanket over taeyongs knocked out body.

"chenle find somewhere to hide!" her voice was distorted, panicked and rushed. chenle whipped his head around, locating nothing that could possibly conceal him.

"you fu-" and she grabbed chenle by the collar and threw him under the table, her body crashing into his as soon as the door creaked open

with their heavy breaths fanning on each other and their bodies basically cuddled up, it was a moment to treasure.

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