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Bokuto was laying on his bed with his eyes fluttering. It was 5 in the morning and he woke up around 4. That was too early, he was NOT a morning person. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. He'd been looking at his best friends Instagram pictures for the past hour. Akaashi didn't even know he got likes and comments, he posted a picture of the team in the club room corner, which wasn't even showing 1/2 of his face and it got tons of likes. The comments were the thing that bothered Bokuto the most. There were really weird thirst comments. He felt like he needed to protect Akaashi from these comments. He was just about to go back to sleep when he heard his mom yelled at him to get downstairs.

"KOU!!!! Get your ass down here right now!" His mom yelled up to his room. Oh man, he didn't like the tone his mom used. He quickly threw a hoodie on and went downstairs to find his mom sitting at the island waiting for him.

"Uh yeah hey mom...it's way too early for this." He thought he was in trouble but just then his mom smiled at him. Which scared him even more.

"Oh yes yes! Well, Koutarou...I have something to tell you!" She stated as she smiled even bigger.

"Yes? What is it?" He was getting more nervous.

"SO, I'm sending you to Italy since you need travel experience, you need to get out of the house, and you need an educational adventure!" She looked proud of herself.

"Wait what?!?! Going on a trip to another country by myself, with nowhere to stay, and no money!?" He started to panic, because if his mom was serious his life was over.

"No no no honey!" She started laughing. "No, you can bring a friend and you'll be staying in this expensive hotel near the beach! Each room has its own balcony pool overlooking the beach!" She said excitedly. She got up and started making coffee while I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. I mean, I was excited, but this all happened so fast. And I can bring a friend?

"Oh um, okay?" I didn't know what to say so I just said that. I stood there for another hot minute while I watched the coffee drain into her mug. Then the question hit me. "Wait... when do I go?".

"Oh right, in three weeks! Do you know who you're going to bring?" She looked at me and took a sip of coffee.

"Three weeks?! Oh wow I'm going to need to start packing! And maybe I'll bring Akaashi!" I didn't actually know who I wanted to bring so why did I say Akaashi? My mom smiled at my answer.

"Yeah I think you should bring Akaashi, he'll keep you from getting killed! Oh and Kou, school is starting soon so you better get going," she laughed and I looked at the time. I ran upstairs and practically threw on my clothes. Then I ran back downstairs and ate a piece of bread while running out the door.

Yay so I'm really excited to write this because I love Italy and I love Bokuaka, so I thought why not do both lol.   Also I've already written some chapters but I have to figure out my schedule.    Ciao ✌︎('ω')✌︎

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