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Akaashi's pov

It's been a week or so since we got to Italy. Bokuto and I have already done most of the things on our list, so we figured we could relax for a few days and just hang around. I usually go on walks down to the beach. Sometimes he joins me. Yesterday we played volleyball down at the beach for the whole day. It was pretty fun even though we both got a bit of sun.
All Bokuto wants to do right now is apparently to take pictures of me in my sunglasses. It's kind of strange, but I let him anyway. My favorite thing to do is to walk down to the public garden and read for an hour or two. I find reading awfully relaxing. Sometimes I even fall asleep while reading in the garden. A few days ago Bokuto had to come looking for me because I was asleep. He was pretty mad at me for making him worry. We're going on our first date soon. I was already showered and dressed. Bokuto and I didn't really have anything nice to wear but we weren't going anywhere that fancy so it wasn't a problem. I was sitting in the chair in our hotel room at the moment while Bokuto was taking a quick shower. I looked at my friends Instagrams and liked a few pictures. All of a sudden Bokuto came out of the bathroom with just a towel tied around his waist. I blushed and looked away quickly.

"Change in the bathroom idiot." I said. He didn't respond right away and I heard him shuffling around behind me. He must be looking for his phone. "Phones on top of the fridge" I said to him.

"Oh sorry Akaashi, I'm just trying to figure out what to wear. I forgot to bring my clothes in the bathroom with me and in the middle of my shower I decided I wanted to wear something different." He replied as a hand touched my shoulder.

"Oh okay, just find what you're looking for and go change. It's not very good to keep your date waiting."

"OH WHOOPS! Now I feel bad Akaashi!" He yelled.

"Whatever! Just go change okay?" I said. I could practically feel him sulking behind me. Oh well, he shouldn't have kept me waiting like this.
I heard him walk back into the bathroom. I sighed and looked out the balcony door. The sun was setting making the sky a pretty faded orange. I sat and looked out at the sun reflecting off of the water for a few minutes while I waited for Bokuto. When he was finally done we grabbed a few things and began our first date.

Imagine their date however you want sfahfzbfsbgnxmkgxgjxhgdkg 🙈✨__

Our first date went pretty well. It was sort of low-key but we wanted it that way. Bokuto paid for both of us even though I asked him not to since he's the one who brought me on this trip, but he insisted he would be the one to pay. We just headed back to our hotel room after because we were both tired.
Once we got back I took off my shoes and thanked him.

"Thank you for today Bokuto." I said and immediately collapsed onto my bed. He was in the middle of brushing his teeth so all I heard was "nnso problwdm akashsi!". (No problem Akaashi)
I looked up at him and laughed a little. To that he smiled. I got up to get my pyjamas on, despite wanting to fall asleep right there in that uncomfortable position with my clothes on. When I walked by Bokuto he took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze.

"You can call me my first name you know..." He said.

"Eh...I think I'll wait a bit. I'm used to just calling you Bokuto." I looked up and then smiled at him. He nodded and went into the small kitchen area to get something to eat before climbing into bed.

"Midnight snack anyone?" He said.

"Uh...I'm the only one here? Also it's not even midnight..." I responded. He blinked and gestured for me to come over to him.

"Akaaaashi! Have a tangerine!" I sighed and took the tangerine. He literally just brushed his teeth...
I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a small snack before bed. We finished up and sat in our beds for awhile, switching up between looking at the tv and our phones. After awhile we both fell asleep. I hadn't really planned anything else out for tomorrow so I think I'll let Bokuto sleep in. We're both not really morning people. Yesterday I had to try and wake him up three times before he actually got out of bed. All I wanted was to go on an early morning walk and stop at a café down the street. I guess nobody's perfect.

__ y'all are both perfect 😸

I woke up suddenly and let my eyes open before turning to the side to check the time. Holy crap it was two a.m... I don't usually wake up in the middle of the night so could it be because I'm in a different place? But we've been here for awhile already so why would it be happening now? I quit my train of thought and slowly got out of bed and stretched out my arms. I noticed the balcony light was on. Could it be that Bokuto wanted to do a late night swim? He shouldn't be up at this hour. I crept up to the edge of the glass doors and peeked out a crack in the curtains. Sure enough, Bokuto was in the pool. I didn't feel like going to sleep to I went into  bathroom to change into my bathing suit.

I opened the balcony door quietly and slipped out without making any sound. I got walked into the water and made my way to Bokuto. He was staring out at the water, until he noticed me.

"AGH!" He said loudly. I put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet.

"Quiet down okay? Sorry I scared you. I just woke up and saw you out here all by yourself so I came to be with you. Why are you up at this hour anyway?" I said.

"Ahh.. sorry you if you felt like you had to come see me Akaashi." He whispered back.

"No no, it's no problem. I couldn't go back to sleep anyway." I lied.

"Oh yeah and I just woke up and wanted to swim haha!" He replied. Typical Bokuto.

"Oh I see. Mind if I join?" I asked.

"Um yeah? You're already here aren't you?"

"Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm here if you wanna talk okay?" I said.

"Nooo Akaashi I'm fine! I just think the sky reflecting off of the water is really beautiful, just like you!" He smiled at me and I blushed a little.

"Well if you say so... You know you look really handsome with your hair down." I mumbled. Apparently he heard me.

"AWHAWHA Akaashiiii! You're so cute!"
I blushed and looked up at the star filled sky. Did he call me cute? I liked that but I'm not sure I really understand.

All of a sudden Bokuto disappeared into the water. I was just about to look down at him when he popped up with a splash and spit water at my face.
"Akaashi wasn't that cool?! It's called the human fountain!" I looked at him and grimaced.

"Really Bokuto? Now I have your saliva mixed with water all over my face...gross" I said.

"Oh sorry about that. I didn't mean to spray you in the face." He replied.
He went behind me and I felt arms around my torso.

"Pool cuddles! This is my apology!" He said.

"That doesn't sound right to me. Pool cuddles? I think cuddling is normally an indoor activity Bokuto." I replied.

"Aw but I just like hugging you. Will you let me?"

"Sure. But can we go inside and cuddle normally after?" I said and smiled back at him.

"Absolutely Akaashi!" He replied and dug his face into my neck.

"Let's travel the world together okay?"

"Love you Akaashi"

"I love you too, Bokuto"


I'm finished here, I really hope you enjoyed reading this and I'm so grateful for all of you guys commenting and voting! The first few chapters suck but oh well, I think it got better as it went on.
I'm starting school tomorrow and I'm not sure how to feel about it 🗿
Anyways, love you people and thank you so much for reading😗❤️

- ☆ Hello, I wrote this story like a year ago and I can't believe how much people have actually read this. I would just love to say thank you all so so much for all the love on this. <3 This was my first published fanfic and i'm aware there is probably lots of spelling mistakes and errors lmao, my writing has gotten a lot better since I wrote this so I may or may not be working on more in the future. If I did i'd love to hear what you people want to see. So let me know and thank you again for all the support :) ☆ -

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