{ 9 }

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I hope this chapter makes you hungry :)

Bokuto's pov

Me and Akaashi were both excited for today's adventure. We were going to go on a food tour! We didn't eat breakfast because we were going to be eating for the rest of the day. My stomach growled as soon as we left the door. I was surprised when he told me about going on a food tour, since Akaashi never really eats a whole lot. He's excited though, I can tell. "Alright Bokuto, our first stop is just down the street." Akaashi said.

"Ooh what are we eating first?!" I replied.

"It's a surprise Bokuto." He said. I poked his shoulder a few times until he walked ahead.

"Mean! Wait up!" I yelled after him.

We walked for a few more minutes and then stopped in front of a small café. We could've taken the bus, but it was only a few blocks away and I felt like walking this morning because it would help wake me up. Akaashi grabbed my hand and we walked inside.
I immediately got hit with the most wonderful smell, I felt my stomach grumble. If I didn't eat soon I would probably blow up. Akaashi and sat down at a small table for two by the window. There was menu's already there so we both grabbed one to start looking.

"First we're trying tramezzino. It's the traditional sandwich of Venice! We're also getting fresh truffles in ravioli." Akaashi said.

"I'll eat anything right now, I'm starving Akaashi!"  I said as I skimmed through the menu.

We ordered our food and looked out the window to pass the time. The morning light cast a blue shade on the small town. It was beautiful and so was Akaashi. Our food came a few minutes later. The tramezzino was a small sandwich with white bread and no crust. It had lettuce, tomato, cheese, and ham on it with mayonnaise between each layer. My mouth watered. Our ravioli looked just as amazing. I picked up the sandwich and took my first huge bite. It tasted like heaven in my mouth. The bread was so fluffy and the flavors complimented each other perfectly!

"MMM this is amazing!" I said as Akaashi took a bite of his own sandwich. He smiled and nodded at me with his mouth full. It was so cute!

I ate the rest of the sandwich in about twelve seconds. Now I had to try the truffle ravioli! Again, heaven in my mouth. Now I was really looking forward to the rest of today!

"Hey is when can we have some meat?" I asked.

"Will you chill and just enjoy the food we're having right now?" He replied.

"Yes yes, I'll pay for it!" I said.

"No it's fine, I can" he said.

"Fine then we'll split!" I replied. He nodded once and took a bite of the ravioli.

I put some sour cream on mine and finished it. I licked my lips and grabbed a fork to steal some of Akaashi's.

"Hey Bokuto!"

I snickered. "I'm helping you finish it! So I'm doing you a favor okay?"

Akaashi sighed and said "I can finish it myself but whatever. That just means you like it and that makes me happy."

I smiled at him and scooped up some ravioli with my fork. I brought the fork in front of Akaashi's mouth and he blushed.

"Y-you want to feed me?" He asked.

"Yes! So open your mouth!"

He opened his mouth and I fed him the last of the ravioli. Our plates were empty now, so we both split the bill and we left a tip for the café. We decided to take a walk before going to the train to the next stop. Akaashi and I held hands the whole time. We also stopped by an aquarium and walked around this giant fish tank with sharks in it. My favorite part of the aquarium was the penguins! Akaashi told me his was the dark room filled with the little tanks of glow in the dark jellyfish! When we checked the time after being in the aquarium it read 12:07.

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