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Akaashi's pov

I stretched as I got out of bed and went to get the breakfast cart that was outside our door. I had gotten Bokuto and I Italian breakfast bruschetta. I was very much looking forward to that, but Bokuto will get upset if we don't eat together. I had big plans for today, we were going to go see some ancient Roman ruins. I had lots to look forward to today I guess. I wanted to take a bunch pictures and I'm guessing Bokuto is going to want one of us. I wasn't really a camera person. In fact, I'm pretty camera shy, but I guess I can I let Bokuto get away with taking pictures of me. I'm not sure why. I just let him, whenever someone else tries to get me on camera I hide my face. Just as if he had been summoned, Bokuto appeared in front of me. "Heyheyhey...gmornin Kaashi." He breathed sleepily. I blushed at the sudden nickname he gave me.

"O-oh um good morning Bokuto." I went to the door to get our food. I came back into the kitchen and the smell wafted up to my nose. I didn't actually realize how hungry I was until now. The bruschetta smelled heavenly! Apparently Bokuto smelled our breakfast too, he ran over to the table and sat down.

"So I'm hungry! What are you?" He asked me. His eyes now looking awake.

"Yeah I'm hungry too, I got us Italian bruschetta for breakfast." I told him and set the platter down on the table. We ate and then I informed him of today's plan. "We're going to go see some ancient Roman ruins today." I said as I stuffed the last of the fresh bread into my mouth. This breakfast might be the best breakfast I've ever had.

"Oh wow cool! So like crumbled pieces of stone?" He asked and I made a face.

"No!" I got up and showed him some pictures of what we were about to go see.

"Oh wow that IS pretty cool!!! I'm going to take a quick shower and get dressed." He said and stood up. I was already dressed so I just packed my backpack with all the necessities. I went out to go sit on the balcony while I waited for Bokuto. I really, really, couldn't get over this view. I took out my camera and snapped a few photos. When we go back I want to print out and laminate all the photos I'm going to be taking from the trip. Bokuto called me inside and I shut the door to the balcony.

"Ready now?" I asked and he gave me a very animated thumbs up. We walked out the door and made our way to the bus.

Time skip🗿————

When the bus stopped at our destination we got up and walked out the door. There was a mossy path we had to take to get to the ruins. We sprayed ourselves with bug spray since the trail went through the woods. We got there pretty fast- it was only about a ten minute walk. We stepped out of the woods and we both awed at the preserved structure before us. The ruins were HUGE. The stone was falling apart and they were beautiful. There were a bunch of other people there. Bokuto immediately trotted over the fence that surrounded it. "KAASHI! Come here!" He yelled. I walked over to where he was standing. It was even more impressive up close.

"Wow.." I breathed and took out my phone.

"Yeah this is super cool! Take a ton of pictures okay? I want to show Kuroo and Kenma these! Also I want a picture of me! And we need a picture of both of us!" He started rambling.

"Okay, okay. I'll get a bunch of pictures." I told him and smiled. He looked up at the ruins. "Hey Bokuto" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Go stand in front of the sign." I instructed him and he did. He smiled and I took a few pictures of him in front of the ruins.

"Now we need a selfie Akaashi!" He said and walked back over to me.

"What happened to Kasshi? And I don't know... I don't really look that great today..." I responded. (Honey you look good every day shutcho azz up)

"No! You look good every day!" He pouted. "And YES we NEED this selfie!"

"Fine I guess" I sighed. Only because it's Bokuto who's asking me.
We took a selfie together in front of the ruins, I made sure to get a good view of them from behind us. The picture looked pretty good. Bokuto and I looked at each other and we blushed a bit. It was 83 degrees outside. "How about we check out a few more spots with ruins?" I asked him. There was a few more around here that I wanted to see. I really liked learning about their history. Bokuto seemed to enjoy looking at them too. He agreed so we stopped at a few more places. There was one that we both really liked, it was pretty small but it got covered in vines and flowers were sprouting up all over it. We got to take another selfie. It was also next to a famous botanical garden. We got to explore that a little bit and we even found a secret spot between an archway and an overgrown centerpiece. There was a beautiful fountain with a bench in the middle of the garden. We got to sit down for a bit and cool off. Bokuto threw some money into the fountain for good luck.

"Hey so, do you believe in these fountain wishes?" He asked me as I got out an apple. "I like to think it's real, but I know nothing ever happens. I guess it kind of feels nice to throw money into a fountain y'know?" He said.

"Uhm, well, I guess yeah. It's kind of relaxing in a way..." I replied. That was the end of our strange fountain conversation. We both got to take a break from all the walking we were doing. We ate our apples and left the garden to return to the bus that would take us back to the hotel. We talked about how we needed to try the balcony pool. Apparently Bokuto discovered that it had heaters and lights, pretty fancy.

"Oh what should we have for dinner tonight Akaashi?" He asked me when we got back to our hotel room.

"Oh I'm not sure, I don't feel like going out again because my legs feel like hell right now." I said to him. We were going to be doing lots of walking so I guess this is good for me while I take a break from volleyball. "How about we just order room service again? There's actually a lot I want to try, and I'm starving." I suggested.

"Good choice!" He replied. We ate dinner than pretty much passed out as soon as we hit our beds again.

Soooo there's going to be a lot more action from now on╹◡╹)

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