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Bokuto was walking to school and was thinking about the whole thing that just happened. Am I really going to Italy? And my mom said I can bring someone? And I said Akaashi? I don't know who I want to bring though. Maybe I will bring Akaashi, but I don't know if he's busy. Or maybe I could bring Kuroo. Nah, my mom wouldn't like that. One time me and Kuroo had a sleepover at his house and pretty much trashed the place and got chips all over his room, so ants came. My mom was pretty pissed and apologised to Kuroo's parents then scolded me at home. So she's not a big fan of him. He was getting lost in thought when he spotted Konoha.

"Hey man!" Konoha noticed him and walked over.

They had a quick conversation about the stupid math homework and Bokuto kept zoning out. Konoha seemed worried. "Hey Bokuto are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about what happened this morning." He looked up at Konoha's confused face,

"Uh what happened? He asked Bokuto.
Bokuto told Konoha how his mom is making him go to Italy for two weeks and that he can bring someone. "Oh wow dude...so can you like bring me?" He looked at Bokuto hopefully.

"Sorry man, I think I already know who I'm bringing" He said.

"Ahhh yes, is it Akaashi?" Konoha said and smirked at me.

I frowned. "How'd you know?"

He laughed. "Have fun dude, you get to stay in a super cool hotel! It's time for school so see you at practice later." He waved and walked to his class.
I started making my way to class too and thought how about how I was going to ask Akaashi. What am I doing it's not like I'm confessing my love? I blushed at the thought for some reason.


I walked into the club room expecting to be the first one but Akaashi was already there. I stared for a moment before coming back to present. Luckily he didn't see me staring at him shirtless. I blushed and realized. I was about to say something when he turned around and looked at me. "Hey Bokuto." He said and walked towards me.

"H-hey AkaAsHI!!" I said maybe a little too loud because he cringed.

"Quiet down will you? Want me to toss you a few sets before everyone else gets here?" He asked me and tilted his head the slightest bit which made me gulp.

"Oh yeah! I need to ask you something!" I said as we walked into the gym. "So AKAASHI! My mom is making me go to Italy because she says I need to do something with my life and she's not coming with me so she said I can bring someone. So I thought maybe...you could come with me?" I blushed a little and looked away from his face.

"Oh? I figured you would've pick someone else. But yeah when is it?" Akaashi smiled a bit and met my eyes.

"Well she told me we leave in three weeks, you're not busy? Will your parents be okay with it?" He asked.

"Oh wow only three weeks, I'll have to start packing then. And yeah my parents are probably fine with it, I'll let them know when I get home. This is pretty exciting. Where will we be staying?"

"Oh yeah we get to stay in this really fancy hotel and our room has it's own balcony pool overlooking the beach!" He said excitedly.

"Oh wow okay...I'm looking forward to it then." He smiled and their eyes met for a second. Bokuto blushed and looked away.

Practice went pretty smoothly for the rest of the day. Everyone did their best and was pretty tired after it ended. Bokuto and Akaashi were the last ones there, they pretty much always were. They were quiet until Akaashi brought up Italy again.

"So I obviously need a bathing suit right?" Akaashi asked and I looked around.

"Well yeah we'll probably be swimming a lot." Bokuto said as an idea popped into his head.

"Oh..I was thinking maybe we could go shopping for stuff we might need for the trip?" Akaashi said. It was like he read Bokuto's mind.

"Yes! I was just thinking that Akaashi! What about tomorrow, since it's the weekend?" Bokuto asked.

"That'd be great, see you tomorrow then, Bokuto." He smiled at Bokuto and walked out.

That night Bokuto fell asleep thinking about going shopping with Akaashi the next day.

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