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Bokuto's pov

I woke up and looked around the hotel room a bit more. There was two gigantic closets to put any luggage or clothes. There was also a mini kitchen with a few bottles of water in the freezer. When I looked out onto the balcony again I saw the pool and the amazing view we had of pretty much the whole beach below us, you could see the sunrise reflecting off the whimsical waves. I looked back at the sleeping Akaashi. He looked really cute! He was drooling a bit on his pillow and he looked like he was about to fall off the bed. Should I wake him up? I asked myself while walking toward the bed. "AKAASHI" I said. Apparently my head made the decision! He opened his eyes and glared at me.

He groaned and make a growling sound. "What" he asked sternly.

"Well what do you want to do today?" I asked.

"How about we just stick to the hotel and maybe go to the beach today?" He said as he got out of bed and went to start unpacking his suitcase. "Oh and let's get dressed and unpack first" he added.

"Sounds good to me!" I said and went to get my suitcase. "So you've probably already figured out a plan for each day, am I right?".

"Yes" he said blankly.

"Ah yeah I assumed so." I said and started to get out my stuff to put in the bathroom. I didn't realize how much stuff I brought until now, Akaashi helped me pack my suitcase because he said I couldn't just throw everything in there and be done. I had to admit that he did a pretty good job with this traveling stuff. I got up and went to put my other thing like clothes, extra blankets (because why not), and shoes in one of the massive closets. I then went into the kitchen to explore a little more and found Akaashi putting our snacks away. "OH YEAH!" I yelled.

"What?" He said and looked over.

"I remembered something!" I tried to run to the cabinets but tripped in the process. Luckily I didn't fall because Akaashi caught me. When I looked up I was met with his eyes and blushed. "Sorry..". He just shrugged.

"Well what did you remember? You didn't forget anything right?" The worry clear on his face.

"No no, I just remembered that we have to bring snacks to the beach! So I was going to look and see what we have!" I smiled. Akaashi looked at me a moment and then took out a bag of graham crackers.

"We can bring these." He said.

"Okay! Sounds good to me! Do you want to head down soon?" I asked.

"Yeah let's. I'll get towels and stuff." He said and walked out of the kitchen to go get ready. I did the same and walked over to my suitcase.

A few minutes later we were both ready and Akaashi came into the main room with his navy blue swim shorts on. My swim shorts were half gray and half black, which sort of matched my hair. I hadn't bothered to gel up my hair today, since I'd figured we would be going swimming anyway. We both had T-shirts on. When we'd went shopping I insisted on buying crocs for both of us, but Akaashi said he thought crocs were weird and stuck to sandals. I was now wearing my golden crocs with little owl jibbitz on them. Akaashi rolled his eyes when he saw me wearing them. "Akaashi aren't they beautiful?" I asked him. He just rolled his eyes again but smiled this time.

"Come on let's head down, I'll carry the bag." He said.

"Alrighty!!!" I said excitedly.

We made our way down to the beach, which was like a four minute walk once we got out of the hotel. As we walked down the stone steps we got to admire all of the nature around us. Akaashi was constantly taking pictures, he even asked me to be in one of the pictures he took of this pretty tree we found. The beach was actually pretty empty, there was only a few other people down our end and it was pretty quiet too. The only sounds were really just the waves and the seagulls. It was nice. We didn't get in the water right away, we just spread out our towels on the sand and laid down for a bit. I looked up at the sky and then sat up. "I'm going to go in now." I said and stood up.

"Alright, I will too." He said and stood up. He then took off his shirt and I admired him for a second before he started heading down to the water.

"Hey! WaIt fOr mE AKaAshI!!" I yelled and ran past him then jumped into the water. I looked back at him and watched him dip his foot into the water with a weird expression on his face. "What are you waiting for?" I smiled at him and swam over. I took his hand lightly and looked up at him, he blushed. I then pulled him down into the water laughing. He came up and shook his head.

"Bokuto!" He yelled at me. It was SO worth it. His face was priceless! I was still laughing.

"AKAASHI!! You should have SEEN yourself!!!" I said still laughing hysterically.

"Stop laughing or I'll eat all of our food!" He said and I stopped laughing.

"Hey! You wouldn't!" I said making a pouty face. I grabbed his arm and pulled him deeper so we could go for a swim. "Oh yeah Akaashi! I heard there we're some pretty sweet underwater caves, maybe we could check them out!".

"Oh good idea, I already make a schedule for weekdays but maybe we could see about that this weekend. Weekends are going to be relaxing days." He said.

"Okay! Let's go for a swim shall we?" I looked at him and we smiled at each other.

"Sure Bokuto." He replied.

We ended up staying at the beach for a few hours. We didn't plan on staying too long so we didn't bring lunch. So we ended up eating the whole box of graham crackers. We got back to the hotel sometime around 4:00 and ordered room service for early dinner. Akaashi got spinach pasta with mushroom sauce and I had a small pizza, which I ended up sharing with Akaashi. We were extremely tired after our long Long Beach day. I was looking forward to the adventures we were going to have.

Hey hey hey! So I'm going to make every chapter at least 1000 words. That's it ( ̄∀ ̄)

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