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The day was grey as we walked home. Jin was sick today and Yoongi had decided to walk me home since he couldn't. And, even though there was nothing to talk about and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, I was still happy he had chosen to do so.

We were walking through the park, almost at my apartment (which I shared with Jin for personal reasons), when I felt a hand pull back on me. I looked back and saw Yoongi looking straight at me, his gaze strong on the subject. (Which was, in this case, me.)

"What?" I said, not sure what this was about but nervous as to the reason why.

"You've been acting strange the past weeks... what's wrong?" He said as his hand tightened and was firm, his words cold and straight.

"Yoongi, stop you're hurting me-" I said, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

"Not until you answer me, why have you been acting so cold lately? Did I do something to bother you? What's your problem?" Now his words were softer, filled with hurt, even though he was trying to stay firm and cold.

"You still haven't figured it out?" I let out a scoff and looked away.

"Figured out what?" His eyebrows furrowed as he let me go.

I thought about my next words for a few seconds before actually letting them out.

"Kang Minji, that's my problem."

I looked at him for a second and then turned to head home.

"What's so bad about her?" He said from behind me and chills ran down my back as I turned around.

"Yoongi... she cheated on you," I said, my words soft and filled with reason. Reason I had.

"She's changed," he said, looking straight in my eyes. "And you would see that if you just gave her a ch-"

"You might think she's changed but she hasn't. She's still the same b(censored) she was when you broke up!" I said, now mad he actually believed anything she had said.

"How would you know? You've never even talked to her!" he let out a scoff in between words, not believing any of my words, though I sensed he was just trying to make excuses for her. 

"Yeah I've never even talked to her but I know how she hurt you last time and I know that even though you think she's changed, she hasn't! Yoongi, she's just going out with you because you're popular and hot!" I scoffed. Why couldn't he just see it?

"How do you know that? You don't even have any proof!" he said, crossing his arms. 

"Well... I... I he-" my words got cut off when I heard a high pitched voice let out Yoongi's name.

I looked at the source as she laid her arms around Yoongi, embracing him. 

Kang Minji, ugh.

"Hi oppa~!" she let out one of her annoying sounds. You would think it was some kind of whale mating call if you didn't know her. 

"Hey, how long have you been here?" he said, now seeming calm. 

I didn't know what to say and just stayed there frozen, not saying a single word as I looked off to the side, still angry.

"Not long hehe," she giggled. Ugh, her giggles could make a whole pack of zebras run away of fear. "And um who are you?" she looked at me with a cold gaze and harsh words.

I was about to give her an answer when my words got cut off by Yoongi's. 

"No one..." I looked at him with wide eyes and he looked away.

"Oh... okay! Anyway, can you walk me home oppa~? Please~?" she pouted and I swear the whole world gagged. I know I did.

"Um, I'm kinda-" he started but I cut him off.

"Yeah, he can walk you." I said, now mad at him and just everything. I looked at him with a cold expression. "I'm no one, anyway." 

I turned around and walked off. I could hear him trying to call me but I just ignored him. My only goal at this moment was getting home, taking a long warm shower, and going to sleep. I didn't even care if he tried to reach me, I just didn't want to talk to anyone. I felt like someone had kicked me in the guts and then was pulling out my heart by a string, slowly, letting me feel all the pain. Why is this happening to me? I thought. Why do I even like him? I asked myself. The air was cold and winter seemed to be getting colder and colder by the day.


A/n: How do you like the story so far? Any suggestions? Thanks for reading ^w^

Word count: 795

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