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TW: these episodes include some graphic imagery and mentions of self harm, suicide, and eating disorders so read with caution.

The next few weeks were hell.

Jin tried to make sure I took the meds everyday, but when he didn't, I didn't take them. If I didn't take them, the pain would grow. And I liked that, I wanted to feel the pain. I wanted to feel something.

I felt numb if I took them.

And that scared me.

"Y/n." Someone knocked on my door.

I opened it and saw Jin standing there. I noticed a bag by the front door. "What happen-"

He suddenly huged me and said nothing.

"Jin, what are you- what are you doing?"

He pulled back and looked at me."I wanted to tell you, I have to move back with my parents..."

"What? But your mom-"

"She apologized... she said that she was sorry she ever talked to me that way... and that she wanted me to come back, at least for a few weeks." He scratched the back of his neck, refusing to look at me straight in the eyes. "I have to..."

"But... what about me?" I looked at him, feeling the tears build up.

"Y/n, I-"

"Forget it, just go." I slammed the door and locked it.

I hugged my knees to my chest and sat on the floor as he tried to reason with me.

Though he didn't last long. He left as fast as he came.


The next few weeks were also hell.

Aside from the fact that Jin had left and I stopped taking my meds completely, Yoongi was not talking to me at all.

Whenever I saw him, he would be with Minji and she would never leave him alone.

The day right after the park, he changed partners for the project.

And whenever I would try to talk to him, his girlfriend would come and take him away.

It was hard to see them like that, see them smiling and kissing and being happy. When I was here, being the complete opposite. But that was all going to change today.

"Get out the way, nerd." She pushed me into the wall.

I had not eaten in two days, so I fell to the floor because of how weak I was.

"Oh my God, look Minji. The nerd fell to the floor." They chuckled darkly.

"Careful to not push her too hard, she might go running to someone and complain." I heard the one and only Kang Minji say as the click clacks of her heels came towards my direction.

She grabbed my face and jerked it up, so I was facing her. She was smirking.

She tilted her head. "Not like anyone will listen to her anyway. She's as useless as a glass hammer. This pathetic b(censored)ch."

I looked away, feeling sick.

She jerked my face back to hers. She was not smirking anymore, now her face was cold and angry.

"Stay away from my boyfriend, you s(censored)ut." She pushed my head off and left with her pack of girl toys.

I stayed there on the bathroom floor, not wanting to be like this. Cursing at myself for not saying anything back. For not standing up for myself. For letting them treat me like this.

I got up and headed to the cafeteria. As I looked into the rows and rows of kids chatting and laughing and smiling, I felt lonely. I turned back and went to the field, the only place I knew no one went.

As I skipped through the school with my hands in my jacket pockets, I heard someone arguing.

"Gosh why are you so...."

"Annoying? Is that what you were gonna say?"

"Yeah! I can't do anything or go anywhere without you watching over me like a f(censored)ng bodyguard!"


"It's for your own good you ungrateful b-!"

I burst in the room, they both looked at me.

"Y/n?" He said, looking confused as to what I was doing.

"Y/n..." Minji said between her teeth, her annoyance being obvious.

"I um... I need to talk to you..." I said as I looked at Yoongi, ignoring Minji's hateful looks.

"Me? Wh-" he was going to say something when his girlfriend interrupted him.

"If you need to say something, you can say it in front of me." She said with obvious attitude.

"Minji..." he gave her a look.

She scoffed and left, but not before bumping into me harshly.

I grabbed my shoulder, the pain was not supposed to be so large, but the weakness of my body amplified it.

"What'd you want to talk about?" He said coldly.

"I just... um... I wanted to say goodbye."

"What? Why?" I looked at him.

"Because... Today is my last day..." I avoided his sight as I looked off to the side, smiling slightly.

"Are you moving?"


"Then why is it your last day?" My eyes started to tear up, yet I kept smiling.

"Because I can't keep living on without you."


There are a few more chapter but I hope you're liking it! It's kinda sad though... Anyway, have a good day! ^w^


Word count: 854

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