Chapter 4

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*Y/n POV*

I stood down on the ground floor of the Agency, the cool morning breeze washing through the room. I figured for this little mission I didn't need to prepare much, I had my dual pistols on me so I was pretty much set. I hovered around the main entrance, not wanting to appear too eager by heading to the helipad already. Tek noticed me from the front desk and called me over.

"Hey newbie, what's the boss got you workin' on for your first day?" He asked curiously, his southern accent shining through.

"To be honest, I'm not 100% sure, I just know we're heading out and I'm 'observing' him. " I replied with a shrug.

"Oh, well I hope it goes alright!" Tek answered cheerfully with a smile.

"Thanks Tek! What about you, what do you do?" I asked, leaning on the desk. I still had a few minutes before I needed to meet Midas.

"Oh just borin' admin stuff, mainly. I'l spare you the boring details." Tek chuckled.

"Sounds fuun!" I replied sarcastically with a giggle.

Tek smiled, seeming bashful at my response, but I didn't know for sure. Admittedly, he was quite cute and seemed pretty laid back. I feel like we'd get on well as friends.

"Alright Tek, I'll leave you get back to work. Don't wanna be late meeting the boss, now do I?" I replied with a wink, pushing off his desk.

"Aw hey! That was uncalled for!" Tek replied sheepishly. "A-Anyways, you do make a good point. See you around y/n!" he added. I gave him a wave on my way out the exit, and headed up to the helipad, which I already knew was around the back of the building, I have Skye to thank for that.

I arrived at the helipad, and quickly noticed that Midas hadn't arrived yet. It was a sunny day, and the breeze was just right. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh, enjoying my moment of peace in the sun.

"Ah! Rearing to go I see!" A voice called out, tearing me from my peaceful moment and causing me to jump slightly. I opened my eyes to see Midas walking up to me, grinning.

"Y-yep! I'm ready!" I replied, once again trying to hide my nerves around him.

"Wonderful. Then let's go." Midas said, climbing in the drivers seat.


The ride was silent, I was mainly too distracted staring at the view out the window. I was also a little nervous. I had never ridden in a helicopter before. I took my mind off things by admiring the scenery, everything looked so beautiful from up here. I tried my best to avoid looking at Midas, as much as I wanted to. I could not get caught staring at him again like in the meeting room, I don't know how I'll even live that one down.

We eventually landed on a green field, nothing in the area was familiar to me, the place looked deserted. The only thing I had gathered is that we were on the North side of the island. The Agency was in the middle, and I had grown up down the south, so this practically felt like a new country to me. The only thing to take note in my surroundings was a warehouse in the distance. I was a little confused as to what we were doing, Midas was already vague about the mission itself.

"You asleep up there?" Midas called, who I didn't notice get out of the helicopter already. He was stood there grinning at me with his arms folded.

"Oh, don't tempt me!" I joked, hopping down from the helicopter.

Midas let out a small laugh, the sound being music to my ears. He seems like a very serious person, one you don't want to piss off, so it was almost a privilege to make him laugh, even for a moment. But it was short-lived, as suddenly his facial expression became more serious.

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