Chapter 21

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(( A/N: yoooo thank you ALL for 3k reads ugdijdnx what the heckkk 🥺 ))

I was just starting to fall asleep when I felt a hand gently shake my shoulder.

"Y/n, wake up." Midas said softly. I blinked a few times and looked up at him. His cheeks were still showing a small tint of pink from the events that just happened.

"As amusing as it may be to leave you here, I don't want you taking more of my clothes." He said with an amused smirk and shot me a wink.

"It's not my fault you tried making me late for work last time." I grumbled and sat up. I wanted more than anything to curl up with Midas in his bed and just sleep the day away. But we had work, I had training.

"What's the time?" I yawned sitting up, scanning the floor for my pyjama top.

"Quarter to seven." Midas replied, his morning voice still a little hoarse.

"Woah... We went for forty five minutes?" I giggled.

Midas silently flashed me a mischievous grin before heading into his bathroom.

I picked up my underwear and pyjama shorts off the floor, and noticed one of Midas' black t shirts abandoned near his desk. I quickly threw it over my head despite what he had just said about taking his clothes, and something caught my eye in the mirror.

I lifted the hem of the shirt slightly, revealing the gold hand prints either side of my waist that Midas had just left on me. They sorta felt like his version of a hickey, except in a more hidden place, only for me to see. I traced the gold in awe, the details perfectly outlining Midas' handprints, and I was once again reminded that Midas' hands were much larger than mine. I don't know if I'll ever get over his golden touch, it was so fascinating to me, and it only brought back the nagging questions I longed to ask Midas, but I knew he most likely wouldn't tell me.

"You seem to have a habit of trying to steal my things." Midas spoke from behind me in an amused tone, and I watched him walk up behind me in the mirror.

"And you have a habit of...marking me." I retorted, smiling at his reflection.

"What was it you said down in the gun range that one time?" Midas said softly, placing his hands on my hips over the gold markings, and he leaned in close to my ear, causing me to shiver. "I believe you told me that gold is your colour, and quite frankly love, I can't help but agree." He mumbled, his lips brushing against my ear making me feel weak, I could melt at this man's touch.

"O-on that note, I'm gonna go get ready for work." I replied, wriggling myself free from Midas' grip.

"Oh? You and what keycard?" Midas grinned.



"Tell you what love, use my shower here and I'll go and fix you a new card."

"Oh no it's okay I can wait-" I began, not wanting to take too much time from his day before it had already began.

"I insist, Y/n." Midas said with a warm smile. How could I say no?

"Okay okay you win. I guess you owe me anyway." I replied. I knew today was going to feel like a long one, I was already tired from putting Midas to bed while drunk last night. Oh, and from the sex we just had. That too.

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