Chapter 10

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*y/n POV*

Monday morning...

I woke up to my alarm, feeling fresh after the weekend. I pretty much spent the whole time doing nothing, I messed around with my new mobile phone that I had been given when I first got the job here, and even managed to order some clothes online for TNTina's party this weekend. I was excited to spend some quality time with the other agents, and I wanted to make an impression by dressing nice.

I got myself ready for the day, excited for my second week at the agency. I just hoped it wouldn't be as dramatic as the last. My mind flashed to Midas, who I hadn't seen since the night we had sex and he had the nightmare. I felt a little nervous to see him, but also excited. I just hoped things wouldn't be awkward between us.

I looked at myself in the mirror before I left my room, and sighed. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't hide the hickey Midas had left on me. I had no clothes that covered it, and my makeup barely made a difference. The most I could do was keep pulling my hair forward, but even that can only work so much.

As I arrived at the meeting room, the other agents were already on their way in, and I quickly slid through the door and into my seat. The first thing I noticed was that Midas wasn't here yet, and I decided to divert my thoughts onto the others.

"How was everybody's weekend?" I asked, given we seemed to have a few moments before the briefing fully started.

"Pretty good, thank you y/n! How was your weekend of sleepin'?" Tek asked from his seat next to me.

"Tek, it was great. I feel so revived!" I sighed with a laugh.

"Well, I hope you're locked and loaded for another week of my training!" Meowscles chimed in enthusiastically with a grin.

"Bring it, cat!" I retorted playfully, resulting in a chuckle from him.

Suddenly I heard the door open from behind me. "Morning everyone. I trust you all had a good weekend." That all too familiar English accent chimed in from behind me. Everyone greeted Midas as he walked to the front of the meeting table.

He took his seat and unfolded a laptop, placing it on the desk as the agents continued to chatter. This was the first time I'd seen him since the other night, and just the site of him took my mind back. I couldn't look at him without picturing his bare body, his flushed face inches from mine...

A second later his eyes met mine, and for once I didn't look away, holding his gaze. He smirked and cocked an eyebrow, and pointed at his neck.

He could see my hickey. Which meant if he could see it from where he was sat, then the others probably could too.

I felt myself turn red, and quickly brought my hair round over my shoulders, and casually leaned my chin on my hand, hoping to obscure it as much as possible. Midas smiled and shook his head, before bringing his full attention away from the laptop, and he stood up.

"Alright, let us begin. Agent TNTina, you're heading out with Rook to investigate an apparent old Shadow base, she's currently at the helipad waiting for you." Midas instructed.

Another agent I'm yet to meet. I didn't recognise the name 'Rook', but I hope I'll meet them soon.

"Welp, this'll be interesting! C'ya everyone, have a good one!" Tina replied enthusuatically before leaving the room.

Midas waited until the door shut behind her, and then put his hands on the table and leaned in a little closer to us.

"Alright, if we're doing this little party for Tina on the weekend, I'm afraid it's going to have to be on Sunday." Midas said quietly, not wanting Tina to overhear us planning her suprise party.

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