iiii. four

516 21 11

Being Michael’s best friend since diapers has by default, made Calum his person. Not in a soul mate kind of way but in the matter in which wherever either of them is in trouble, the other one will immediately panic and try to find help 

This was one of those moments.

As the loud bang echoed around the whole room, screams of terror followed.

Calum immediately stood up from his seat beside Allison, trying to see what was happening.

Hayley and Allison were seated down breathing heavily and were wondering what kind of mess Michael got into.

Calum frantically searched the cafeteria when his eye caught something red beside the lilac-haired boy.

“Allison, Hayley, stay right here, don’t you dare leave this table. Hemmings, look after them.” Calum said quickly before sprinting to that area which is quickly being surrounded by more people.

“No, no, no, no.” He continued to mumble to himself as he tries to think about something else besides the blood beside his best friend’s head.

As he reaches the crowd, Calum pushed past the people, forcing his body to see if Michael was okay.

But the crowd wasn’t having it.

“Everyone get out of my fucking way! I need to see what’s happening so step away for just a fucking minute I’m telling you.” Calum screamed out, losing his patience.

People immediately took a step back, creating a mini aisle for Calum.

Calum sprinted down this made aisle.

When he caught a glimpse of the body in front of him, a sob raked through his body as his knees gave up under him.

In front of him was Michael, blood surrounding his torso as a bullet went through his shoulder.

Calum’s body shook as each sob raked his body.

“It was all a dare. Why did this happen? This was my fault. I’m sorry Michael.” Calum sobbed to the boy in front of him as he rested his forehead on Michael’s arm.“

“This wasn’t your fault, you idiot. Now, if you don’t get me a damn doctor you will be sorry.” A voice said.

Calum’s head shot up at the sound of that familiar voice.

Michael smiled cheekily at the tanned boy as Calum hugged him.

“Watch the shoulder!” Michael said quickly, trying to keep in the pain.

He didn’t want Calum to worry any more.

Calum pulled away from the hug, reaching for his phone to call 911.

“Uhm, I contacted them already and they’re on their way here.” A girl said quietly behind them.

Calum nodded at the girl and decided to lie down with Michael as the crowd dispersed.

“Thanks babe. Now I really know you’re an angel sent from heaven.” Michael said cheekily, sending the girl a flirty wink.

The girl then blushed into beet red before walking away to catch up with her friends.

“You just got shot and you’re still being a cocky bastard.” Calum said sarcastically, a smile creeping to his face.

“Technically it wasn’t my fault I got shot.” Michael said.

“The man looked like our age but once he shot me, he took off.”

Calum sat up. “Any idea that it was?”

Michael shook his head. “Nope and I don’t plan on knowing.”


-- Six people, six slurpies, four cheeseburgers, two burritos, and one trip to the hospital later --

“Well, this was an eventful day.” Allison said from the couch in Michael’s bedroom.

“We met the twins, your shoulder got shot, what else?”

“Well, Michael’s gonna need some help because he can’t wank with a fucked up shoulder.” Hayley said, stifling a laugh.

“Aw, well I wish him luck because he can’t get laid.” Calum chimed in, making Hayley, Allison, and himself laugh.

“Guys, I have a messed up shoulder not a messed up ear so I can perfectly hear when you’re making fun of me.” Michael deadpanned from the bed, his shoulder on a sling.

“That’s kind of the point. For you to hear us.”

Michael flipped Calum off, making all of them laugh.

“Anyways, you talked to the police about the shooting?” Allison asked.

Michael pursed his lips. “Yeah. They’ll just call me until something comes up.”

“Don’t worry buddy, whoever shot you will have karma shit on him alright?” Calum reassured him.

“Or her.”

Everyone turned their attention to Hayley.

She held up her arms in surrender. “I know Michael annoys the crap out of me at times but I didn’t shoot him. Just saying it may be a ‘her’, you know?”

Michael and Calum nodded, not fully understanding why Hayley was telling them this.

“We’re talking about gender equality in class and Hay just got into it.” Allison says.

The two boys nodded.

Silence surrounded the room when Michael’s eyes widened at the sight of Hayley’s unfamiliar bracelet.

But frankly for Michael, he recognized it.

“Hayley, where did you get that?” Michael asked in panic.

Hayley fumbled with the black band around her wrist, the charm of gun, glistening silver.

“I found it beside one of the Hemmings’ seat. Must have dropped it when they suddenly sprinted off to somewhere.”

“Why are you asking?”

“Because that’s the same bracelet my shooter was wearing.”

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