"I just wanted a normal day"

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Marley took his cup of coffee and yawned quietly. He knew his sister was still asleep so he didn't want to be too loud. Today was the day they would be sorted into dorms at school. He hoped he would be placed in a dorm with his friends. He wouldn't mind being placed in a dorm with a boy named Tao, but it would be a nightmare because of how loud Tao could be. However, Marley really, really wanted to be placed in a dorm with Zac, his boyfriend. It would be better to live with him for a while. He missed him when he wasn't at school. Marley's thoughts were interrupted by his sister tapping his shoulder.

"What's up, Lunar?" He asked. Lunar stared at him for a couple of seconds with an expression trying to tell him something.

"You're blocking the bread, Marley, you know how I have toast most mornings." Marley moved away from the bread bin. She gave him a satisfied smile and started to make her toast. Marley sipped his coffee whilst he waited for her to make conversation. It was only when Lunar finished the first slice of her toast that she started speaking.

"Not sure how I'll survive the dorm pairing."

"You're one to talk." Marley said. Lunar looked at him with a slight frown, but since she was used to his complaints then she didn't try to correct him.

"I think you're just hoping to be paired up with your boyfriend"

"Well it's obvious, isn't it? I love him"

"That's sweet." Lunar raised her eyebrows twice, suggestively. Marley rolled his eyes and put his empty mug in the sink.

"C'mon, we need to get ready for school. You packed your bags?" Marley asked his sister, ruffling his ginger hair.

"Of course I have, I'm more organised now." Lunar said running to her room. Marley laughed and went upstairs to his room to change and get his bags. Once he changed out of his pyjamas and put on his bag, he heard the front door close. She left him, again...

                                                           *          *          *          *

Lunar walked out of what she called "the luggage room" (she called it that since it was where all the students put their luggage for school trips,events, etc) and went to find her and Marley's friend group. It wouldn't be that hard to find them since they were always in the same area every morning. She walked through all the corridors and areas of the school until she found the entrance to the library. There she found two more from her group of friends. Her best friend Lucy, and her good friend Tao. They seemed to be having one of their silly arguments based on Lucy's random thoughts.

"You are not what you eat," Lunar heard Tao say "Apart from female spiders, nothing is what they eat."

"What on earth are you guys talking about?" Lunar asked, walking up to them. The two arguing friends looked at her. Lucy smiled brightly, whilst Tao gave Lunar a short wave. Lucy was different and yet similar to Lunar. Lucy had hair that was a light blue and a cyan colour, whilst Lunar had brown hair. Lucy had white eyes (though she was not blind) and despite the threatening look, she was quite nice and sweet. Lunar's eyes were Blue, they made her seem caring and innocent, but her eyes would pierce through someone easily. Despite the difference in their appearances, they both had a similar sense of humour and got along like a house on fire. Tao seemed to be the third-wheeler in their friendship when it was the three of them. He had jet black hair and eyes the colour of dark chocolate. He was also the shortest, Lunar in the middle and Lucy the tallest. Tao's personality made him different too, he would say words like "yes" or "tasty" when it wasn't the appropriate answer for a question. The friend group liked it though, it made him stick out like the rest of them.

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