Sammy~ Zoella even though she does makeup,hair he still likes to see what ideas you can create with the makeup even though he thinks you look better without it
Jack- Pewdiepie/Smosh you like to watch pewdiepie bc they make you laugh and smosh bc you like how they are childish and hilarious at the same time
JJ- TylerOakley you both love how sassy he is
Nate- SuperWomen/JennaMarbles you both enjoy watching them becasue you find them both funny on a rainy day
I am soo sorry this is short and i didmt upload yesterday (boxing day) i was out shopping with my friend and then i slept over and still am and its like 5:10am im still not tired😂 We are deffo normal i swear down💁
Løvë ¥öü🙊💕~Cat