Trauma 1

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Jane Doe, 40 year old female unresponsive female. Blunt head trauma. Hypertensive, BP 80 over 56.' Shouted the EMT while pushing the gurney into the ER.

'Trauma 1!' Shouted the black haired doctor. 'Helm and Roberts join me.'

3 doctors rushed into the the small trauma room but as soon they reached the room they all simultaneously froze when saw who was on the gurney.

'Okay someone page the chief 911. This isn't a Jane Doe.' The main doctor ordered. 'Page Neuro and General as well. Okay people just because we know her doesn't mean we can't do our jobs.' Deluca announced while springing into action to help the EMT's left her onto the bed.

She was ghost white and had cuts all over her face and a deep laceration to the back on her head. Helm was checking to see if her pupils were dilated. 'Someone page Dr Hunt.' She whispered but loud enough so that the nearest nurse could hear while giving Dr Deluca a worried glance.


'I'm here, why did you want me?'

The doctor took one look at the women and realised she'd just answered her own question. 'Does Owen know?' She whispered quietly to the nearest nurse who shook her head.

'He's in surgery' Another nurse replied

'Which OR is he in?'

'OR 2.'

Bailey went up to the edge of the gurney and held her hand while Deluca tried to put an IV line in.

'Oh sweetie, we've got you. You're going to be okay. Hang in there Teddy.' Bailey whispered to Teddy while she lay there still unconscious. She then gestured to Deluca to speak with her out of the room.

'Try and keep this as quiet as possible. I'm going to find Hunt and then I'll be back, pages me with updates in the meantime.' Bailey whispered to Deluca who didn't dare question on what she just said. 'Thank you Deluca.'


'Owen, how's the patient' Bailey asked in a serious tone over the speaker.

'We've just stabilised him. I reckon we'll be another half a hour.' He responded while packing the open abdomen on the table and telling Schmitt to suture.

'Owen, you're being tagged out.'

He stopped and stared up at Bailey giving her a confused look. Desperately trying to think if any mistakes he'd made recently that were big enough for him to get tagged out of surgery. Was Leo or Allison sick? But then it was meant to be Teddy's day off he was pretty certain so she they would be at home with them. Then he realised- it was probably to do with Tom. Great.

'Yes I can do. Who's tagging me out?'

'I'm already here.' Said a voice walking in- it was Jo. 'Don't worry me and Schmitt will just finish and close up here and let you know when we're finished.'

She gave a smile to Schmitt, who was just as confused as Owen.

Owen ripped off his surgical gown and put it in the surgical waste bin and walked out the OR


'Sorry about that Hunt.' Bailey whispered while meeting Owen outside the OR. 'I know you and Teddy aren't on the best of terms at the moment.'

Owen looked at her even more confused now. That was definitely an understatement he thought- they'd barely talked since the cancelled wedding weeks ago. They were still living together for Allison and Leo but both were sleeping in different rooms.

'I'm sorry if my personal life has come in the way with work. I'm sorry that I refused to work with Koracick a few days ago as I believe it was in the best interest of the patient, my fists and his face.' He said while looking at Bailey, who was looking increasingly more confused now.

'Owen, this isn't about that. It's about Teddy.' Bailey continued quite solemnly. 'She was in an accident.'

'Is she okay?' He asked increasingly concerned but Bailey's anxious face answered his question. 'Where is she.'

'Trauma 1. I think she's about to go up to surgery soon.' Bailey quietly spoke while checking her phone for an update. 'Owen I'm sorry.'

Owen stood there like he stuck to the floor. He couldn't move. His whole body felt numb. Thoughts flooded his head. What happened? How critical is she? It felt like his whole head was about to explode.

' hhhappened?' He stuttered while Bailey gave him an reassuring rub in her arm.

'We don't know exactly but we think she dodged out of the way of a car while driving home and hit a wall.'

'Ssssshe was men...t to pick up the.....kidss.'

'No they're still in daycare.'

At least his lack of communication with Teddy meant she probably thought he was picking the kids up. 'Can I.... gggo to her?'

Bailey indicated him to follow her and the two headed to trauma 1.

The two were oblivious to the fact that that Tom heard everything.

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