Fairytales of New York

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Teddy found herself in a park. Looking around her surroundings trying to guess where she was, she saw a white figure. Confused,  she was still trying to work out where she was while focusing on the figure. Suddenly it came to her. She was in Central Park. She didn't recognise it because normally it was full of life with runners, walkers and families playing however the park was dead. There was not a living thing in sight. Except from the figure. As the figure came closer she could tell it was a middle aged women dressed in a pure plain white summer dress. She was tall and thin but not quite as tall as Teddy. As she came even closer, Teddy recognises that the women's hair was similar to hers in style and length except just whiter in colour.

'Mom?' Teddy questioningly called  looking at the women, who was about 20 metres away from here.

'I'm here.' The soft voice called.

'Mom!' Teddy exclaimed while running to the fairly tall women like she was a little girl. 'I can't believe it's you!'

The two embraced like they were making up for not hugging each other for the last 20 years. Tears were rolling down both their faces but it was happy tears- tears of joy and relief.

'I have missed you so much baby girl! Well not so much of a baby girl anymore! You're a mom now!' The women whispered trying to wipe away the tears that we're falling onto her daughter.

'I'm so confused.' Teddy whispered while pulling away from her mom. 'I have made a massive mess of my life and I have no clue how to sort it!'

'Isn't Allison the cutest? And Leo makes me laugh so much.' She answered while she sat down on the bench behind her and gestured Teddy to sit next to her.

'I probably won't even be able to see Leo again.' Teddy whispered gloomily while sitting on the bench and looking at the pond in front of them.

'Leo and Allison are siblings, you will see him.'

Teddy stood up and turned to face her mom who was sitting down.

'What are you trying to tell me. Honestly just shout at me, be annoyed. I don't care. I deserve it.'

'Trust me I am so annoyed.' She spoke calmly while Teddy just sighed. 'I'm annoyed at myself for not being there to guide you, someone you can always go to, someone who is always there for you not matter what. I'm annoyed that you have no one.'

The two looked at each other giving each other a sorry sad look until Teddy sat back down.

'It is not your fault. You were in a crash, I know you fought so hard to stay on this earth for me. I know that because I interrogated the paramedics after and they told me that it was some miracle you weren't killed instantly and that you actually made it to the OR. And you know after you and Dad died, Allison was there for me and when she died and I joined the army I had Owen. Who I know we've had are ups and downs but he has always been there for me. Even when we've physically hundreds of miles apart, he was only a phone call away. So I have never been on my own until recently.' Teddy quite sternly to her mom who was tearing up.

The two sat there is silence for what felt like hours but only minutes.

'I still can't get over that you joined the army.' Her mom commented trying to break the silence.

'I know.' Teddy sniggered followed be her mom.

'I'm glad you joined. It's where you met Owen because he saved you from all that grief.'

'I know.'

'Owen is always going to be in your life and he will always be there for you. Same with Leo, even if it's because your his auntie Teddy.'

'Does everyone who Owen dates became a auntie to Leo?' Teddy coldly added while her mom gave her a confused look.

'What I was saying is that you will always be apart of the Hunt family. Even if you're not with Owen so you have no obligation to stay with him when things aren't working because of Allison. And Tom loves you very much and he will stand by you and Allison - I know that much.' Her mom whispered stroking Teddy's hair like she was a child again.

'What are you saying I do then?'

'Well I know what I think you should do and I understand how you've gotten yourself in this situation. But I want you to follow your heart. Be with the man that you feel safest and happiest with.'

Teddy nodded.

'You never limited yourself of loving someone. You just loved people in different ways. You love Allison, Henry, Owen and Tom all in different ways but you've never had to choose between two of them before so you need to follow your heart not your head.'

Teddy smiles and nodded again.

'Why don't we have a wonder around the park. I want to spent some more time with my mom.'

'I'd like that too!' Her mom agreed.

The two women wondered around the empty park reminiscing about childhood stories and adventures and laughing about old memories. Teddy couldn't help remember that the last time they'd been in the park was the day before her mom's death. In fact that was the last time she saw her.  Soon twenty minutes had passed and the two stopped by a old water fountain.

'Teddy?' Her mother called faintly as her skin became fainter and whiter.


'Remember I love you so much and I will always be watching over you where ever you go.'

'I know.' Teddy whispered while desperately holding onto her mom's disappearing hand. 'I will always love you.'

'Just do something for me...'


'Bring Allison and Leo to New York, show them your family home, your school and the hospital. Show them your Apartment with Allison, the restaurant we used to always go to all the time and show them the 9/11 monument. Don't ever be scared or ashamed of your past, embrace it. Don't ever forgot all your memories as a child fade- keep them alive. Tell stories about your family, about Allison, about Henry and about the army.'

'I will.' Teddy whispered staring deep into her mom's eyes.

'Don't throw your life away Teds, do what's best for you. Follow that amazing heart of your's and always remember the happy times and don't ever be scared of the past. Now, you need to fight. Fight for your family, fight for your kids. Fight for Allison and Henry and fight for me and dad. Fight to wake up.'

'Please don't go!' Teddy begged with a panic look in her face while her mom disappeared from her sight.

'I'm always with you.'

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